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It is the way nations say to the world "mine is the biggest penis".

No, the world does not need nuclear weapons. They don't deter enemies, specially if they want to become martyrs, or rush them to acquire nukes on their own; they are costly and are indiscriminate on who they harm - that is why they are called Weapons of MASS Destruction.

I don't know who said it, but a good quote on the topic is: "The best way to kill an enemy is with a knife, not with a bomb". (The bomb kills those around the main target, thus creating more enemies ad infinitum).

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Q: Why does the world need nuclear weapons?
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Egypt is not believed or suspected to have nuclear weapons, or a nuclear weapons program, at this time (May 2009). See Related Link for a discussion of the world's nuclear powers.

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Nuclear weapons are very expensive. Jamaica does not have nearly the kind of economy that permits the building or purchase of such expensive weapons. And nobody is going to invade Jamaica anyway. Jamaica does not need nuclear weapons.

What does the UK think about the nuclear weapons?

i need this answer PLEASE.

Why were nuclear weapons needed?

we did not need them we testing them at the time of (WW2) world war 2 which lead to further testing in nuclear weapons when the U.S. founded out they were so effective we did not plan for other countries to f9ind out about it so there for it is not our fault

Advantages and disadvantages of nuclear weapons?

its too much disadvantage all world destruction through its reason i hate nuclear weapons