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We only can live on Earth because Earth provides us with everything we need. Other planets such as Mercury or Jupiter cannot hold us. For example, Mercury or the other planets don't have water, or fertilized areas to plant vegetables and plants. Jupiter and the other gas giants such as Saturn and Neptune don't have a surface, so we would probably die. The most and final important thing is that the other planets don't have air.

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Q: Why does we human being only can survive in earth why not in other planet is their is any planet where we can survive?
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Can a human survive on planet earth?

Yes. All humans live on Earth.

What would you need to do to survive on the planet Saturn?

Humans can Not survive on Saturn. The giant gas planet has a gravitational pull that would crush a human being in seconds. It is not possible for a human being to survive on Saturn for more than mere seconds.

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No,human beings cannot survive on this planet because it does not have any solid surface.

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nope .. people cant own a planet because , human only can live on EARTH . So , if they had their own planet (not earth) , they couldn't survive and there will be no human live there . (scientific investigation)

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we can live on earth because it is not to hot or cold

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The planet human being's can possibly live on besides-planet earth, Well scientists don't know for sure because scientists are not always correct no offense to scientists though. Well that's my answer!

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No there are other forms of life that share the planet with human beings.

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Because if the temperature was different human beings would not have evolved.

Can a human survive on planet Mercury?

They can survive but only with protective equipment.

How would a human survive on planet mercury?

There is no way to survive on mercury

How does life survive on each planet?

If you mean Human Life... we can't survive on another planet. but if you mean the planets life, it is just acustomed to the planets temperatures, weather, and/or whatever it throws at it like us on planet earth. we are used to the earths temperatures, and weather.

How long human being survive without light?

ever since gooses roamed the earth