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If your dad did that then he is guilty of child molestation by law. You could have him thrown in jail if you decided to. Of course it won't have a good effect on your relationship with him but then again he's a pervert and what he did is wrong, totally wrong.

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Q: Why does your dad always force you to touch his willy?
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When bobby's age 5 and his dad are skipping pebbles on the pond the pebbles that bobby's dad throws go farther and faster than his what law of motion is this?

This scenario can be explained by Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Bobby's dad, having more strength and experience, is likely able to exert more force on the pebbles, causing them to go farther and faster than Bobby's.

What does dad and dish and weight have in common?

They all start with the letter "d".

What is the name of the force exerted on a child coming down a slide?

The force exerted on a child coming down a slide is called friction. Friction is the resistance between the surface of the slide and the child's body, which helps to slow down the child's descent and prevent them from sliding too fast.

What is the proper noun in the sentence After school Dad shows me a new rope trick.?

There is no proper noun in the sentence, 'After school, dad shows me a new rope trick.'The noun 'dad' is a common noun and is not capitalized unless it is the first word in the sentence.A proper noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or a title; for example:After a day at Washington School, dad shows me a new rope trick.After school, my dad, John, shows me a new rope trick.After school, my dad show me a new Roy Rogers rope trick.

The tendecy of two masses alone in the universe to drift together is a result of?

The tendency of two masses alone in the universe to drift together is a result of gravity, the fundamental force of attraction between masses. According to the law of universal gravitation, every mass in the universe attracts every other mass.

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