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There might be something off with the sensor. If you really want the time to be right, you can check the users manual for suggestions.

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Q: Why does your microwave digital clock run fast?
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Clock how fast you can run and theres your answer.

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The whole idea of the clock is to run at a uniform speed, so the clock includes control mechanisms to keep its speed reasonably constant.

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It runs fast or slow. It never sleeps. Has arms that constantly moving.

How can a digital clock run using only water as a power source?

Convert the water flow into electricity. Please, no water in digital clocks that are plugged in.

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Depends on type. An electrical clock won't care either way. But a plumb-powered clock will be slow.

What is synchronus and asynchronus sequential circuit in digital electronics?

1.Sync. ckts all f/fs are clocked by single clock. Async. ckts o/p of f/f becomes clk for next f/f. 2. Sync ckts are fast. Async ckts are slow. 3.Sync.ckts are easy to design. Async.ckts are difficult to design.

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If you have read How Pendulum Clocks Work, you know that all clocks (regardless of technology) have a few required components:A source of power to run the clockIn a pendulum clock, the weights or the springs handle this role.An accurate timebase that acts as the clock's heartbeatIn a pendulum clock, the pendulum and escapement handle this role.A way to gear down the timebase to extract different components of time (hours, minutes, seconds) In a pendulum clock, gears serve this role.A way to display the timeIn a pendulum clock, the hands and face serve this role.A digital clock is no different. It simply handles these functions electronically rather than mechanically. So in a digital clock, there is an electrical power supply (either a battery or 120-volt AC power from the wall). There is an electronic timebase that "ticks" at some known and accurate rate. There is an electronic "gearing mechanism" of some sort -- generally a digital clock handles gearing with a component called a "counter." And there is a display, usually either LEDs (light emitting diodes) or an LCD (liquid crystal display).

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Painted turtles are relatively slow-moving reptiles, both on land and in water. They typically walk at a leisurely pace on land and swim slowly in water, though they can increase their speed if necessary to escape from predators or catch prey.

How fast can Rottweilers run?

its not how fast the rottweiler can run its how fast you can run !

What happens when you run a microwave with no food in it?

nothing would happen the microwave does not know if there is anything in there or not.

How many times would digital clock display paired numbers?

6 paired numbers per hour, 00 11 22 33 44 55. so...144 pairs per day, 1008 pairs per week, 4032 per month, 48384 per long do you plan to run this digital clock?

How much electricity does a grapefruit have?

None. But it does have acid. If two strips of different metals are inserted into a grapefruit, that makes a battery, which has enough current to run a digital clock. It will produce 1.5 volts.