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The sphincter papillae controls pupil constriction and is governed by the parasympathetic nervous system. The dilator papillae controls pupil dilation and is governed the sympathetic nervous system. During the fight or flight response, only the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated. With the massive amounts of noradrenaline flowing through this system, the dilator papillae is innervated and the pupils dilate.

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11y ago
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9y ago

Your pupils dilate under stress, because of the fight or flight hormones which get released. The pupils dilate in response to the hormones in order to enhance vision.

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13y ago

Presumably in order to take in more light and thus gain more sensory input in order to react quickly to danger.

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Why do narcotics make pupils constrict?

They don't, narcotics make your pupils dilate.

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What is it called when a person's pupils no longer dilate from the light?

Pupils don't dilate from light, the constrict. They dilate in the dark, to take in more light, and constrict in the light so your eyes don't get damaged. Hallucinogenics, stimulants and alcohol and make your pupils dilate and opiates and diazepam can make them constrict. Im not sure what that's called though..

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Suboxone causes ocular miosis or small pupils.

Is it true that if you say something someone likes to hear their pupils will dilate?

YES pupils will dilate when that person is interested in you

When your pupils dilate are you lying?

Not necessarily. Eyes dilate for many reasons.

Does pcp dilate your pupils?


What drugs make your pupils dilate?

The only ones I know for sure are mushrooms and mdma.

Do your eyes have to be dilated to have a concussion?

No. If the concussion is moderate then the pupils probably won't dilate. pupils usually dilate due to swelling in the brain.

What is a sentence with dilate?

The drops the ophthalmologist put in my eyes made my pupils dilate.

What will make your pupils small?

When light come into your eye your pupils will get smaller. In a dim or dark room your pupils will enlarge to let in more light so you can see. Also some drugs will make your pupils smaller, or when your high they dilate.

Does weed dilate pupils?

no but i makes your pupils small and gives you bloodshot eyes