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its too light

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Q: Why doesn't a feather make sound when it hits the ground?
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If a baseball and a marble are dropped at the same time which one will hit the ground first?

Aristotle thought that the heavier object drops faster, and a majority of people in 2013 probably still do. The way gravity actually works, however, is that if air resistance can be ignored, then everything from a piece of tissue to a battleship hits the ground at the same time, having accelerated at the same rate and matched their speed at every point during their fall.

A stone is thrown upward from a roof at the same time as another identical stone is dropped from there What is true of the two stones?

A) the dropped one hits the ground first B) the tossed one hits harder

Would an object have the same density on the moon as it does on the earth?

Yes, it would have the same density. The volume of an object does not change no matter where it is. So on the moon the object would have the same mass and volume as it would on earth; therefore that object would have the same density. Density equals mass divided by volume.

How is an echo produced?

Imagine a pool of water. If you dropped a rock in the water you would cause ripples that would travel out evenly in all directions. When one of those ripples hits a wall, you can see that the ripple bounces off the wall. Sound works the same way. Sound is basically just ripples in the air (vibrations). When a sound vibration hits a wall it bounces back much like the ripples in water. * When you hit something and waves travel through the air to your ears. Sometimes sound reflects again.

Describe a stone falling off the tabletop in terms of both kinetic energy and potential energy?

Sitting on the table the stone has potential energy, relative to the ground, of weight times height, mgh. It has zero kinetic energy so its total energy is E = 0 + mgh. When it begins falling it loses potential energy (as it loses height) and gains kinetic energy ( as it picks up speed) so the sum stays the same as initially E = KE + PE = mgh. Just before it hits the ground all of its potential energy is gone and has been transformed into kinetic energy. So the kinetic energy at the bottom (1/2)mv^2 will equal the potential energy at the top.

Related questions

What sound is made when an egg hits the ground?

When an egg hits the ground, it typically makes a cracking or splatting sound. The sound may vary depending on the height of the drop and the surface it lands on.

What is the sound rain makes when it hits the ground?

pitter patter

Where does energy go when it hits the ground?

When energy hits the ground, it is transferred into various forms such as heat, sound, and mechanical energy. The impact can create vibrations that dissipate as heat or sound waves, and some energy may also be absorbed by the ground itself.

On the Moon if a basketball and a feather are dropped from the same height about the ground which one hits first?

both reaches the ground at the same time because in the moon there occurs free fall.

When a falling stone hits the ground it's kinetic energy is?

When a falling stone hits the ground, its kinetic energy is mostly converted into sound energy, heat energy, and some energy used to break pieces of the ground.

What energy changes happen as a ball hits the ground?

When a ball hits the ground, the potential energy it had due to its height is converted into kinetic energy as it falls. Upon impact, some of this kinetic energy is transferred into sound and heat energy through the compression of the ball and ground.

What is the sound of a ball?

The sound of a ball can vary depending on the material and size of the ball, as well as the surface it bounces on. Typically, it is a combination of a "thud" when it hits the ground and a "bounce" as it rebounds.

What would the energy changes be if a book falling off a shelf and hitting the ground?

When a book falls off a shelf and hits the ground, its potential energy is converted to kinetic energy as it falls. When it hits the ground, some of the kinetic energy is converted into sound and heat energy due to the impact.

Feather a tennis ball and a bowling ball are dropped from a high tower on the moon's surface Which object hits the ground first?

Because the earth is bigger than both so they get pulled down with gravity at the same time

What sound does a tornado make when it hits the ground?

When a tornado hits the ground, it produces an extremely loud and distinct sound, often described as a continuous roaring or freight train-like noise. This sound is caused by the powerful winds swirling and causing destruction, along with the debris and objects being picked up and thrown around by the tornado.

Where do energy of the ball go after it hits the ground?

When a ball hits the ground, some of its energy is transferred into the ground as ground deformation and sound. The rest of the energy is converted into heat due to friction between the ball and the ground, and some may be converted back into potential energy if the ball rebounds.

Is a batter awarded first base if the ball hits the ground first in womens fast pitch softball?

If it hits the ground then hits the batter then yes. If it just hits the ground then no.