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Only metals and posative ions can conduct electricity since electricity is the flow of electrons in a circuit.

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because its molecules aren't loose enough

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Q: Why doesn't glass conduct electricity?
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Can glass nuggets conduct electricity?

Glass is not a good conductor of electricity.

Is glass dish insulator or conductor?

It is an insulator- glass does not conduct electricity (although it can conduct heat).

Why can't glass conduct electricity?

Glass is an insulator because its structure does not contain free electrons that can move freely to conduct electricity. The tightly packed atoms in glass create a strong ionic bond that does not allow for the flow of electric current.

Does glass allow electricity?

Yes, glass is an insulator and does not conduct electricity. It does not allow electricity to pass through it easily.

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Is conductors of heat and conductors of electricity the same thing?

Sometimes. Metals will conduct both heat and electricity. Glass will conduct heat but not electricity.

Is glass a good electrical conductor?

Glass is an electrical insulator. It does not conduct electricity. Many insulators made for power transmission lines or in the older days telephone or telegraph insulators, are made out of glass due to their superior insulating qualities.

Is a glass jar a good conductor of electricity?

Not at all. Glass doesn't conduct electricity. in fact they use glass as an insulator on electric lines.

Does Electricity moves easily through plastic and glass?

Electricity does not typically move easily through plastic and glass because these materials are insulators, meaning they do not conduct electricity well. However, certain types of glass and plastic can be made to conduct electricity by adding specific elements or coatings.

What name is given to a material that does not conduct electricity?

An insulator is a material that does not conduct electricity. Materials like rubber, glass, and plastic are common examples of insulators.

Is calcium and chlorine conduct electricity when dissolved in water?

no it doesnt i try to do that in my class so the answer is no.

Does not conduct electricity well?

Materials that do not conduct electricity well are Insulating materials, or insulators. Examples include glass, rubber, plastic, air, ceramic, porcelain, dry paper and dry wood. Pure water will not conduct electricity at all.