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It can, over a long enough period of time. Breeds of dogs, for example, were created by inbreading.

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Q: Why doesn't inbreeding depression by itself cause evolution?
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Evolution is a scientific theory, it in itself is not a science.

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There are several theories to explain evolution, though evolution itself is not a theory. Perhaps the best known is Darwin's theory through natural selection.

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It is known that pain in itself can actually cause depression. Fatigue from lack of sleep or the illness itself also contribute to depressed feelings.

My dog Belle was in her first heat and her brother got her pregnant is it possible for her to have mentally disabled puppies?

Yes, though it is rather unlikely. Inbreeding (incest) is not in itself harmful, but it increases the likelihood that undesirable recessive traits will be expressed. Most purebred dogs are actually created through careful inbreeding.

Can you breed any bull to any cow?

Yes, so long as the bull is unrelated to those cows. It is unrecommended to breed a bull to any of his next-of-kin due to genetic abnormality issues that come with inbreeding and line-breeding. Only do this if the breed itself is pure enough to do any inbreeding.

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The evolution of a species is when it changes itself slightly over thousands of years, to adapt to new surroundings. These new surroundings could have different weather, or predators that the species must be able to conceal itself from.

Does evolution describe how life began?

No. You need extant life for evolution to happen. Abiogenesis, a sub-discipline of biochemistry, concerns itself with this question.

A part that does not move in pulley?

if it is a fixed pulley, itself doesnt move. If it is a rotating pulley, its joint probably doesnt move.