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All rain falls from clouds, but clouds that you see which don't have rain falling from them are just not raining because the cloud has not become saturated with water vapour. When it does become so, it will rain.

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Q: Why doesn't rain fall from all clouds?
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What kind of clouds are rain clouds?

All clouds are rain clouds. You just have to know when the rain will rall out of them. When a clou is really grey the rain in that cloud is going to fall soon. If the cloud is white it is NOT going to rain!There You Go!AnswerAll clouds are rain clouds. You just have to know when the rain will rall out of them. When a clou is really grey the rain in that cloud is going to fall soon. If the cloud is white it is NOT going to rain!There You Go!NO NO NO!!!!!!! u have it all wrong!A cumulusnimbus cloud is a rain cloud!Well, at least that's what my science teacher said

How much water can a clouds hold?

The clouds are rain. all the clouds are is water vapor(thats a fancy name for microscopic water) the water is so SMALL in the clouds it is too light to fall. then when it is heavy enough to fall you get rain

What occurs rain to fall?

clouds can make rain fall by getting the water from the ocean and pouring it on land .but not all at the same time.

What occurs for rain to fall?

clouds can make rain fall by getting the water from the ocean and pouring it on land .but not all at the same time.

What must occur for rain to fall?

clouds can make rain fall by getting the water from the ocean and pouring it on land .but not all at the same time.

Why doesn't it always rain when we see clouds?

Because not all clouds produce rain ! The water droplets inside a cloud need to be a minimum size to succumb to gravity and fall as rain.

What are the steps in clouds?

It makes the clouds rain and that is all that matters

Do all the clouds formed in the sky cause rain?

no only the black clouds which is made by the condenstation will give rain

What would you compare rain to?

Compare rain to hail, sleet, or snow because they are all examples of parcipitation meaning that the are all made from water and fall from the clouds. The only difference is that when it is a certain temperature the rain freezes and turns into hail, sleet, or snow.

What type of cloud does rain come from?

When the sun shines on the sea, it evaporates. The water droplets form clouds. This is called condensation. When the clouds hit a weather front the water droplets fully condense into droplets, which, when they get heavy enough, drop out of the cloud as rain. Then the whole cycle starts over again. This process is called the water cycle.

Direction that rain clouds come from?

No where in particular. The rain comes to the clouds and water evaporates to the clouds and its like a sponge and its not yellow it is gray it lets out all the water in drops until its all gone out of the clouds and a rainbow comes in the sky from the sun after it rains.

Why does it rain in Africa?

Because there are rain clouds always hoovering all over Africa