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the amount of energy applied does not affect the temperature until the gas begins to form completely

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When a liquid changes into a gas, it undergoes a phase change called vaporization. During this process, the energy is used to break the intermolecular bonds holding the liquid together instead of increasing the temperature. This is why the temperature remains constant during the phase change until all the liquid has converted into gas.

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Q: Why doesn't the temperature increase as the liquid change into gas?
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What can change from a solid to a liquid that has 4 words?

Temperature increase, heat applied.

Why when the liquid is heated does the temperature not always increase?

When a liquid is heated, its temperature may not always increase if the heat energy is used to overcome intermolecular forces, such as hydrogen bonding or Van der Waals forces, rather than increasing the kinetic energy of the molecules. This can cause a phase change from a solid to a liquid or a liquid to a gas without a significant change in temperature.

Can alcohol percent change because of different temperatures?

Yes, the alcohol percentage of a liquid can change with temperature because temperature affects the volume of the liquid. As temperature increases, the volume expands, leading to a decrease in alcohol concentration in the liquid. Conversely, as temperature decreases, the volume contracts, causing an increase in alcohol concentration.

If fats melted what is the change of state?

The change of state for fats when they melt is from solid to liquid. This is known as the process of melting, where the solid fat transitions into a liquid state due to an increase in temperature.

Whilst a substance is boiling why doesn't it get hotter?

During boiling, the temperature does not increase because the heat energy is being used to convert the liquid into vapor rather than raise the temperature. This phase change from liquid to gas requires energy, known as latent heat, which keeps the temperature constant. Once all the liquid has been converted into vapor, further heating will then increase the temperature.

Related questions

What can cause a solid to change into a liquid?

A rise in temperature

When liquid is boiling its temp doesnt change?

At the boiling point the temperature remain unchanged.

Why doesn't the temperature increase as the liquid change into a gas?

Heat is being used to drive the change of phase, so until all the liquid has become gas (no more phase change is happening) the temperature cannot rise.

What process causes changes of state?

In a word, temperature. A physical change will change the matter's state based on it's temperature. For example, water, H2O. You can increase the temperature to 212oF and it will change state from a liquid to a gas. You can decrease the temperature to 32oF and it will change state from a liquid to a solid. To answer your question, the process of doing so would be increasing or decreasing temperature of matter.

How come water doesnt change as it melts from solid to liquid water?

Water does change as it melts from a solid to liquid. That's the change. Its molecules speed up and separate from the lattice structure structure of the ice and become fluid. This is called a physical change because the water molecules themselves do not undergo a change. Solid water and liquid water are still water.If you're talking about temperature, the temperature does not change during the phase change. That's because the heat energy is being used to remove water molecules from the lattice structure. Once all of the water molecules a separated, the temperature can increase.

Why doesn't the temperature increase as the liquid changes into a gas?

Heat is being used to drive the change of phase, so until all the liquid has become gas (no more phase change is happening) the temperature cannot rise.

Why is gas pressure increasing a physical change?

The increase of pressure of a given gas is usually a result of a change in the temperature of the gas. An increase in temperature creates a corresponding increase in pressure.

Why when the liquid is heated does the temperature not always increase?

When a liquid is heated, its temperature may not always increase if the heat energy is used to overcome intermolecular forces, such as hydrogen bonding or Van der Waals forces, rather than increasing the kinetic energy of the molecules. This can cause a phase change from a solid to a liquid or a liquid to a gas without a significant change in temperature.

What must you do to change steam into a liquid?

Either reduce its temperature or increase the pressure on it, and provide something on which the steam can condense.

What three things can you do to increase the rate of dissolving a gas in a liquid?

Increase the amount of liquid Decrease the temperature of the liquid Increase the pressure of the gas

Why the temperature does not change as a pure substance melts?

During melting, energy is absorbed to overcome the intermolecular forces holding the substance together instead of increasing the temperature. This energy is used to separate the molecules within the substance rather than increase their kinetic energy and raise the temperature. Once these forces are overcome, the substance can transition from a solid to a liquid at a constant temperature.

How can substance changes from liquid to gas?

For a substance to change from liquid to gas, heat energy must be added to increase the molecules' kinetic energy, breaking the intermolecular forces holding them together. This allows the molecules to move more freely and spread out, turning the substance into a gas. This process is known as evaporation or boiling, depending on the specific conditions.