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Q: Why doesnt Odysseus tell his men about the monsters?
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What are the monsters that cause Odysseus' men to plug their ears?

These was the Sirens.

Who is the six headed monsters that eat six Odysseus's men?

it is charybdis .

Why doesnt Odysseus warn his men about scylla?

bc @ least 6 of his men would be eaten.

How does the Cyclops treat the men in Odysseus?

he doesnt really treat them bad because no one told Odysseus to go on and see the cyclops.

How does Cyclops in the book Odysseus treat his men?

he doesnt really treat them bad because no one told Odysseus to go on and see the cyclops.

What did Teiresias and Circe tell Odysseus about Helios' cattle?

Not to kill them, which Odysseus warns his men not do to - and which they do anyway to their doom.

How does Polyphemus treat Odysseus?

he treats him very bad he doesnt like him nobody likes odysseus he is a loser polyphemus ate his men polyphemus is cool

Did Odysseus do the right thing in not telling his men about the monsters?

Calypso told Odysseus that if he did not sacrifice six men to the Scylla he would lose his whole ship to Charybdis. If he had told his men of the dangers they might not have agreed to sail through Scylla's passage.

When Polyphemus asked Odysseus About His ship what did Odysseus tell him?

Odysseus claimed that he and his men had been shipwrecked. He said this to hide the location of his ship from Polyphemus.

Who is thrinacia in The Odyssey?

she is a prophet who talks to odysseus about his wife and how she is doing in ithaca and she tells odysseus that other men are trying to get with his wife if he doesnt hurry and return home .

Why did Odysseus have to rescue his men from the Lotus-eaters?

Because they did not want to return home

Was Odysseus right not to tell his men about his decision to sail toward Scylla?

yes, because his men would of got scared and ran away from Odysseus or they might of killed him