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A penny is a solid material that is made out of copper and the copper is melted and poured into a mold and cooled.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Last time I checked metals (except Mercury) don't melt in water...

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Q: Why doesn't a penny melt in water?
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How do you melt a penny in coke?

it doesnt melt, but it gets very clean!

Will different temperatures of water affect the amount of rust on a penny?

no of course it doesnt, gosh

How much is 1962 d penny worth?

A Penny!or a melt value of 1.6723738129 as of 7:41 October 14, 2009 where as the melt value of a penny of 1963-1982 is 1.6642174575

Why doesnt temperature change when transferring from ice too water?

The thermal energy required to change state is taken from the environment; which in this case is the melt water.

Can pennies melt?

No, they cannot melt at normal temperatures ( room temp. ) However if you have ever been to a fair or theme-park, and you paid to get a penny turned into a souvenir penny, then they did it by melting the penny and molding it. So, it can melt, but only on heating it to a a high temperature ( 1083 Celsius ).

Can you light a penny on fire?

No. You can't light a penny on fire. If you get it hot enough you can melt the penny but it won't really be on fire.

How do you melt a penny with a microwave?

Conventional ovens do not reach the temperatures necessary to melt pennies.

Can you melt a penny?

YES, at 1083 degrees Celsius..

How do you get a penny out of an ice cube?

You melt the ice cub

Why might a very hot rock might not melt?

it might not melt if it doesnt have fluid in it

Does salt melt on cold mornings?

Salt doesnt melt, it is absorbed, and as for melting on cold mornings.... name something that does melt on a cold morning.----Salt will cause water ice to soften and melt unless the temperature is very cold (much colder than you're ever likely to see this side of the arctic circle). the salt itself doesn't melt; it converts the ice around it to water and dissolves in that water, allowing it to spread out and melt more ice.

Will coke melt a penny or nail?

Coke will not melt a penny or a nail; that process would involve heat. Instead, the acid from the soda may oxidize some of the metal atoms in the penny and the nail, causing them to become ions and soluble. The some of the metal will dissolve, causing the penny or nail to become pitted and tarnished. However, these objects will not melt.