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The full versions of most National Anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.

The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.

The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.

The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.

The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.

The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.

The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.

The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.

The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.

The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.

The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.

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The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.

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