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Q: Why don't wrestlers block when being hit?
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How do you block an ultimate attack on dragon ball z infinite worlds?

you dont let them hit you

How is it I am male and don't like being hit on?

maybe ur gay, biosexual, or just dont like the people that hit on you. besides that, i dont know.

Do wrestlers really get hit with chairs?

Some wrestlers have been hit with chairs; but note that this is not an actual wrestling technique, it is just a brawling technique, and it is sometimes used in wrestling matches for purely theatrical purposes.

How is a block hit?

When you jump up on the net and block the hit.

Unblock a blocked sidekick number?

you are blocking you number from being seen???? if so, here is how u can unblock scroll to phone > hit menu > hit settings > hit advanced theres an option to hide/block your number

How do you hit the a block with the shell?

You just have to hit it!!

Do WWE wrestlers hit their hardest?

Somtimes some hits r real some r fake

Can you keep a six pack after being shot in the stomach?

if you keep doing exercises yes but you dont normally survive after being hit in the stomach

How do you block in Gaelic football?

If you put out your hands, you can block a ball being passed or kicked. To stop a player, you can only hit them shoulder to shoulder, so they cannot be blocked from the front through physical contact.

Are the WWE weapons fake?

no they just dont hit them or dont hit them hard

What is the opposite of block?

The opposite of "block" as in impede is to unblock, or allow. The opposite of block (defensive move) is to hit (offensive move).

Should you hit people?

if they need to be hit dont hit them..........BEAT THEM UP