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Biologists no longer use Aristotle's system for classifying animals because Carolus Linnaeus invented a better system (known as taxonomy) which has replaced the previous Aristotelian system.

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Q: Why dont biologists use Aristotles system for classifying animals?
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Why does Aristotles system of classifying animals no longer used by biologists?

It became too simple for all of the types of animals that we have todya

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The classification system is named after Carl Linneaus because he was the one to come up with the idea of classifying animals and other living things.

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Why is Carolus Linnaeus is known as the Father of modern taxonomy?

Because Caroulus Linnaeus invented the Binomial System for classifying animals living things.

What is classifying?

Classifying means sorting out. like classifying the living organisms. animals are classified in 2 groups: vertebrates and invertebrates. plants are also classified into 2 groups: produces seeds and produces spores; arranging or distributing objects, events, information, putting them in class according to a method or system.

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This flow of energy is transported through the animals by a system biologists call the food chain .

Why is Aristotle's system of classification no longer used by biologists?

because we had to add more and the things he had didn't fit in anymore.

Who developed the fist known system for classifying living things?

In 4 B.C.E., the Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle created the first form of classifying living things. In Aristotle's system living things were divided, based on the level of their soul, into the three classes of plants, humans and animals.