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Erosion. Back when Pangaea existed, all of the continents fit perfectly together. As they hit each other, they broke off pieces of land and eventually broke apart.

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Erosion over time.

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Q: Why dont the continents fit together perfectly?
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What are two reasons the continents didn't fit perfectly together while they were pangaea?

Pangea did fit perfectly together. However, if you tried to fit the continents into Pangea again today, you'd have difficulty. This is because their coastlines are changed due to water erosion.

How well do the continents fit together?

They dont. Go home,

Were do most continents fit together the best?

A map of the continents (with the exclusion of Antarctica and the inclusion of Greenland) is included in the link below and depicts how they would fit together today. They do not completely lock perfectly as their coasts have been eroded.

What was the continents that fit together called?

When all the continents fit together into one big continent, we call that Pangaea.

What hypothesis states that the continents were once continents were once joined to form a single super continent?

If put together, they would fit perfectly into one huge super continent like a puzzle.

Who obsered that the continents seem to fit together?

Alfred Wegener discovered the continents seemed to fit together (Pangaea) in 1915.

Why would the present shape of the continents not fit perfectly into the shape of Pangaea and what things might have changed the continents' shapes?

They would fit roughly together but not perfectly due to years and years of erosion. As evident as Africa and So. America are that they were once joined. Erosion does not work. Even with that they will not fit. Try it with cut outs. But shrink the size of the earths sphere to about 1/2 its size today and they fit perfect.

Why would the present shape of the continents not fit perfectly into the shape of a supercontinents?

becuase they can

What percent of the worlds population thinks the continents once fit together?

every one should because the continents did once fit together

What is Pangea and what evidence dose Wagner give for this?

pangea is a super-continent formed a long time ago when all of the seven continents came together. the largest amount of evidence scientists have is that all of the continents fit almost perfectly together, like a puzzle.

Why do you think the continents do not fit together?

Continents do not fit together perfectly, for the same reason a cookie won't if you were to break it violently. ...Some of the pieces that would otherwise cause a perfect fit falls off from the larger pieces as small/large crumbs. Therefore, since it was a powerful force that caused continents to drift, some of the pieces connected to the landmass had most likely fallen or remains adrift as an island or other type of landmass.

Why do you think the continents do not fit together exactly?

Continents do not fit together perfectly, for the same reason a cookie won't if you were to break it violently. ...Some of the pieces that would otherwise cause a perfect fit falls off from the larger pieces as small/large crumbs. Therefore, since it was a powerful force that caused continents to drift, some of the pieces connected to the landmass had most likely fallen or remains adrift as an island or other type of landmass.