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Evaluate why each of these

organelles is necessary for an

animal cell: nucleus, mitochondria,

endoplasmic reticulum,

Golgi apparatus.

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ensi chen

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Q: Why each of these organelles is necessary for an animal cell nucleus mitochondria endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus?
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Which organelle would be missing in a prokaryotic cell?

In a prokaryotic cell, there would be no membrane-bound nuclei, and no other membrane-bound organelles, such as mitochondria, no vacuoles, no endoplasmic reticulum, no chloroplasts, if it photosynthetic. The only membrane present is the plasma membrane.

What is the purpose of cytokinesis?

Cytokinesis is a part of cell division where the cell regenerates necessary organs like mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum before beginning another bout of cell division. The last part of cytokinesis also involves the splitting of DNA.

What does mitochondria do in the loop of henle?

They provide ATP necessary for active transport.

Compare and contrast the function of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex?

A good way to understand cells at first to to see them as a factory. This factory manufactures proteins. The membrane forms the walls. There are doors which allow necessary things to come in and go out. The floor of the building contains the cytoplasm. The nucleus is the main office. This is where plans are drafted and drawn up to make proteins. These instructions are sent to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). This is the factory floor. Each work station is a ribosome. These ribosomes make the proteins. The mitochondria are the power houses. The Golgi body is the shipping department. It sends out the proteins that the cell needs. The vacuoles are the trash bins. There are parts which are brought out when needed as in cell division: centrioles and fibers.

How do organelles replicate?

Replication is when the process by which a cell makes a copy of the DNA in its nucleus. Mitosis is the stage of the cell cycle during which the cell's nucleus divides into two new nuclei and one copy of the DNA is distributed into each daughter cell.

Related questions

Why each of these organelles is necessary for an animals cell nucleusmitochondriaendoplasmicreticul... apparatus?

Each of the organelles are indeed necessary for an animals cell apparatus. These are the nucleus, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum.

What organelles would be necessary to construct typical cell?

depends on what type of cell you are talking about, plant or animal animal cells will have nucleus endoplasmic reticulum lysosome peroxisome ribosome Golgi apparatus mitochondria to name a few plant cells will have basically the same stuff but with chloroplasts as well (that's the part that make them green)

What is the structure of cytoplasm?

# The cytoplasm contains the organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum and the mitochondria, each necessary for the cell's reproduction and survival. # its just fluid that gives shape to a cell # accomodates all cell organelles

Why post-translational modification of protein does not occur in prokaryotes?

introns and exons are absent in prokaryotic rna hence processing not necessary

What is the organelle responsible for the process?

Core organelles are found in virtually all eukaryotic cells. They carry out essential functions that are necessary for the survival of cells – harvesting energy, making new proteins, getting rid of waste and so on. Core organelles include the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and several others

What process is the cell organell responsible for?

Core organelles are found in virtually all eukaryotic cells. They carry out essential functions that are necessary for the survival of cells – harvesting energy, making new proteins, getting rid of waste and so on. Core organelles include the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and several others

Are there any unneeded organelles in a sperm?

The majority of organelles in a sperm cell are necessary for its function, such as the mitochondria for energy production and the flagellum for movement. However, one possible organelle that may be considered unneeded is the golgi apparatus, as its function in sperm is not fully understood. It is speculated to play a role in the maturation and modification of proteins, but its absence does not seem to affect the basic functions of sperm.

Which organelle would be missing in a prokaryotic cell?

In a prokaryotic cell, there would be no membrane-bound nuclei, and no other membrane-bound organelles, such as mitochondria, no vacuoles, no endoplasmic reticulum, no chloroplasts, if it photosynthetic. The only membrane present is the plasma membrane.

What effect do you think this would have on the other organelles in the cell suppose the endoplasmic reticulum of a cell was damaged?

the fuction of the endoplasmic reticulum is transport. be it of proteins or lipids so other organells will suffer due to lack of necessary nutrients needed for their survival n growth.

How does a cytoplasum work?

The cytoplasm has three major elements; the cytosol, organelles and inclusions. The cytosol is the gooey, semi-transparent fluid in which the other cytoplasmic elements are suspended. The cytoplasm holds organelles and protects them, such as the vacuole, endoplasmic recticulum, etc. Cytosol makes up about 70% of the cell and is composed of water, salts and organic molecules. The cytoskeleton, various proteins, ribosomes and enzymes that are necessary for the cell to catalyze reactions are also found throughout the cytosol. The inner, granular and more fluid portion of the cytoplasm is referred to as endoplasm.The organelles are the metabolic machinery of the cell and are like little organs themselves. Some major organelles that are suspended in the cytosol are the mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and in plant cells chloroplasts. The inclusions are chemical substances that store nutrients, secretory products and pigment granules.The cytoplasm is the site where most cellular activities are done. The functions for cell expansion, growth and replication are carried out in the cytoplasm of the cell. The cytosol has enzymes that take molecules and break them down , so that the individual organelles can use them as they need to. The cytosol also contains the cytoskeleton which gives the cell its shape and can help in the movement of the cell.

What would happen to a cell if the endoplasmic was removed?

Without the Endoplasmic Reticulum, the cell would die because proteins necessary for basic functions wouldn't get produced nor distributed. Non of the organelles in the cell would be able to function.

Do organelles within a cell act independently of each other at all times?

Of course not,that is not true. They have to work together always. However, mitochondria do act alone. They will divide when it is necessary even without the cell dividing.