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An unbalanced ecology is unstable and unsustainable. For example, if rabbits were to breed out of control for a generation, at first they would devastate local plant life and predator such as foxes would have a population boom as their food sources proliferated. However, once the plant food supply was exhausted, the rabbits would begin to starve and die off, as would their predators. Eventually, this could lead to total ecological collapse. As such, ecological balance is important to every country.

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It's important because the wild animals are part of Kenya's unique tourist attraction and natural resource. The animals also play an important role in ecological balance. As a tourist attraction,they earn the country foreign exchange ,which keeps the country's economy moving.

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"Ecological balance" in Tagalog can be translated to "ekolohikal na balanse" or "ekolohikal na kabalansehan."

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work well and eat balance diet and be beautiful/hundsome to your self that's how to sustain ecological balance.

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population growth, human activities, resources aviability and climatic factors distrupts the ecological balance.