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Every child develops at different rates, and it's not uncommon for baby teeth to suddenly erupt at 12 to 13 months. If you do have a concern, you should talk to your family doctor or pediatrician.

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Q: Why eleven month old babies teeth does not appear?
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Why do some babies develop teeth earlier than others?

Not all babies get their bottom teeth first. However, the bottom teeth generally start to appear at around 6-7 months.

How long before baby teeth appear?

It matters how healthy you baby is but most babies 1-2 years. My baby get hers when she was 1.

Which actress had no teeth until she was eleven years old?

Charlize Theron is an actress who had no teeth until she was eleven years old. She had an illness when she was little and the antibiotics rotted all the teeth in her mouth. Her teeth only started to grow in at age 11.

Are babies born with teeth?


On babydow how do your babies get teeth?

Choose the surprised mouth at birth. When babies reach the third stage, their mouth will have teeth in it.

What are the first teeth to appear are?

deciduous teeth

What is the youngest age a baby can have teeth?

Babies can be born with teeth.

Why do babies not have teeth?

Babies can't be born with teeth. We don't really know why, but it is simply so. babies start to grow them at the age of 1-2.

When do babies usually get teeth?

Some babies are born with teeth! It varies considerably. What age do baby teeth appear. Honestly, that depends on the baby. My little girl is almost 5 months old, and she doesn't have any teeth, but she's teething. My friends daughter is only 3 months and has five teeth. My brother in-law didn't get his teeth until he was 8 months old. So like I said, it just depends on the child. If you look at their gums, and you see a white spot, that is where a tooth will be coming up. Just have lots of stuff for them to chew on to ease their pain. You don't want a fussy child. Believe me. Lol Hope this helps you out!

When is national teeth month?

Well National Teeth month is in February i don't really know why but it is (:

When does your first set of teeth begin to appear?

your first set of teeth begin to appear when you are 1 year old

What time of the month is best for pulling teeth?

There is no "best time". Teeth extraction knows no "month". If it has to be done, then do it. Who cares what month it is? Your dentist doesn't.