

Why flag on moon is made up of tin?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: Why flag on moon is made up of tin?
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Why did astronauts fix a tin flag on the moon?

Astronauts planted a flag on the moon during the Apollo missions as a symbol of human achievement and to mark the presence of the United States as the first country to successfully land astronauts on the lunar surface. The flag was made of lightweight material to withstand the lunar environment and was attached to a pole to keep it upright in the absence of an atmosphere.

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The fabric of the flag has a wire mesh sewn into it. The flag rolls up into a nice little package. When on the Moon, the astronauts extend the pole and stick it into the ground. They can then unroll the flag.

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The country whose flag is made up of three different flags is Nepal. The national flag of Nepal is unique and consists of two overlapping triangular shapes. The upper portion has a white moon with eight rays on a crimson background, while the lower portion is a white and crimson flag. The crimson color represents bravery, and the celestial bodies symbolize the hope that the country may have the same longevity as the Sun and the Moon. To learn more about flag. Have fun with this flag challenge and learn more. Its fun:

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What were some of Betsy Ross's accomplishments?

That her grandson made up the flag story.She didn't make the flag. This is a story her grandson made up in 1870. Congress gives credit to Francis Hopkinson who designed the flag. The first flag was made for the navy in 1776 and it was a basic British flag with stripes. The second flag had stars where the British flag had a cross.

What were some of Betsy Ross accomplishments?

That her grandson made up the flag story.She didn't make the flag. This is a story her grandson made up in 1870. Congress gives credit to Francis Hopkinson who designed the flag. The first flag was made for the navy in 1776 and it was a basic British flag with stripes. The second flag had stars where the British flag had a cross.