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Q: Why gama ray penetrate through matter more than beta ray?
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Who sailed around the world in 1519?

Vasco Da Gama

What 3 things are produced during nuclear decay?

The energy can be viewed as thermal, kinetic, electrical, or electromagnetic. But at the atomic and subatomic level, these are often viewed as much the same. What one person might call a fast neutron, another might call a hot neutron. The measurement could be in degrees Celsius, or in kilometers per second. But it is usually in electron volts. This applies not only to the particles or waves emitted, but to the daughter atoms.

How did Sir Frances Drake become an explorer?

Because vasco da gamas father,Estavo got the opportunity to do the mission of finding a route from Europe to India by sea But unfortunately Estavo died before he could finish the mission,Next,the opportunity came to da gama's brother ,Paulo but he turned it down So then the opportunity of this historic voyage came to non-other than Vasco Da Gama.

Are gamma rays and radio waves the most dangerous waves?

Gama rays and radio waves together with the light for example are all electromagnetic waves. The properties of the waves depends on the frequency. If they have higher frequency, the have also higher energy which could be absorbed by body. This list shows electromagnetic spectrum. The waves are ordered from the lowest frequency to highest, which is the most dangerous. - radio - microwave - infrared - visible - ultraviolet - x-ray - gama rays However, the distance from the source of the radiation is important. That's why are scientists arguing about the harmfulness of mobile phones. On the other hand, well protected and shielded nuclear power plant is absolutely harmless.

What are some bands that begin with the letter G?

Green Day Guns 'N' Roses Godsmack Gorillaz Good Charlotte Goo Goo Dolls Grateful Dead Goldfinger Garth Brooks George Strait Garbage Gloria Gaynor Ginuwine Girugamesh Gamma Ray Genesis Gerry and the Pacemakers Girlschool Gama Bomb Georgia Satellites Gillan Gorgoroth Glenn Miller orchestra Gatlin Brothers

Related questions

The type of nuclear radiation that can penetrate farthest through matter?

Gamma radiation can penetrate the farthest through matter due to its high energy and lack of charge. It can travel through thick materials and requires heavy shielding like lead or concrete to effectively block it.

Alpha beta gamma which is uncharged?

gama radiation is uncharged. Alpha is positive and beta is negative.

Can alpha penetrate aluminum but not concrete?

Yes, alpha particles can easily penetrate thin materials like aluminum due to their high energy and large size. However, they are stopped by thicker and denser materials like concrete due to their strong ionization potential, which causes them to interact with and lose energy quickly in dense materials.

What stars make up Equuleus?

Alpha, Beta, Gama, and Epsilon Equulei

What are the three cards you get with the game duelist of roses?

You get the 3 magnet warriors, i.e. alpha+beta+gama

What type of hemolysis e coli show on blood agar is it alpha beta or gama hemolysis?


Can gama pass through concrete?


What is alpha beta gama?

they are the 3 types of radiation: alpha is the weakest and can be stopped by paper,beta is the medium strength and can be stopped by aluminum and gamma is the strongest and can only be stopped by several millimeters of lead gamma is the only radiation that is able to pass through anti radiation suits altha beta anf gamma are also the first 3 letters of the greek alphabet

What is i c?

The alphabet!The corret answer is alpha,beta,chi,delta,epsilon, gama,iota,kapa,lamdamunuomeaga pi sigma theta or tau and zeda

What is s you?

The alphabet!The corret answer is alpha,beta,chi,delta,epsilon, gama,iota,kapa,lamdamunuomeaga pi sigma theta or tau and zeda

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The alphabet!The corret answer is alpha,beta,chi,delta,epsilon, gama,iota,kapa,lamdamunuomeaga pi sigma theta or tau and zeda

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The alphabet!The corret answer is alpha,beta,chi,delta,epsilon, gama,iota,kapa,lamdamunuomeaga pi sigma theta or tau and zeda