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First, let's take a look at what comprises of the dominating aspect of the average global human society - males. So, in this male dominated society, women, who are actually the bearers (potential or actual) of life, are seen as a threat and are subject to suppression. You see, giving birth to new life is a very powerful uniqueness bestowed upon women by Nature and men feel it is necessary to be in control so as to prevent women from rising above them socially. This is the reason why most men are intimidated by women who are academically, socially and professionally more powerful than them. This is the reason why almost all famous and powerful women may have millions of male admirers but hardly any sincere, genuine lover for long as the insecurity and envy eventually sets in and the man feels ashamed of his perceived sub-standards compared to such a woman.

Now, coming back to the subject of the question, a girl child is considered a "curse" for society (male dominated) as she is perceived as a potential threat (as explained above) by the male members of the society and they are burdened with the thought of preparing to exercise social control upon her right from the time she is born all through her growing up years so that she ends up as an "obedient, passive, supportive and submissive" member of the society who would be content playing second fiddle to her male counterparts. As for women who consider girl child a curse, it is the unconscious dread of seeing the child undergo all sorts of restrictions and be subject to the taboos of a male dominated society the same way they had to when they were children. Also, a woman who is brought up in a male-hierarchy society structure and was subject to the same obedience-traditions-submission-silence training all through her life is left with a negative and twisted perception of the condition and fate of her own sex - her psyche is moulded, through years of "training", to feel sorry for her lot , accept that this is the kind of treatment she and her lot deserves and live in perpetual shame and indignity for being born as a female.

In other words, the girl child herself is not a curse for the society, being born into such a sick society is a curse for the girl child.

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12y ago
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ask your mother when she was born what her parents thought

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12y ago

Girl child is not a bane to the society rather is a boon.

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