

Why hairs cling together when wet?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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10y ago

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Hairs each stick to water/water sticks to itself, because of the electrical attraction between the charged ends of water molecules

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Q: Why hairs cling together when wet?
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To cling is to grasp tightly.

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Snow is moist so that makes it cling together. Moist snow is great for making snowballs and forts. However, not all snow likes to cling together, if the temperature is too cold, the snow is less moist and thgus does not cling together at all very well.

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People in the tropical wet climate will wear loose fitting cotton clothing. This keeps them cool and does not let wet fabric cling to the skin.

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Why getting dizzy looking side to side?

there is a part of your ear like a baloon. The inside of that part is covered in tiny hairs and there is some liquid. The hairs that get covered in the liquid get wet and whichever hairs are wet, your brain thinks is downwards. Moving your head side to side will get your hairs on the sides wet confusing your brain about which way is down making you dizzy. Getting dizzy very often is not right though. It may be due to high or low blood pressure. If it is too bad, visit your gp.

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Put a bandaid on it. Dependent on the location of the abrasion it can be wrapped in cling film or a plastic bag.

Why are clothes stuck together when they come out of the dryer?

It's caused by static cling. As the clothes tumble around together, it causes friction between the fabrics, and certain fabrics (which is usually most fabrics) have the ability to create static electricity, or static cling, that keeps clothes stuck together. (Hint: try using Bounce sheets or other dryer sheets, because they prevent static cling on clothes).

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cling cling

How can the Apollo 11 astronauts leave perfect footprints on the moon?

Moon dust has particularly sharp edges that allow it to cling together like wet sand. Dust and sand found on earth doesn't do this however, because it's edges are weathered and rounded.

Where can you find a slug?

Same kinds of places you find snails, wet flowerbeds, etc. They tend to cling to the bottom of rocks if there is an if gap underneath