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Jesus Christ named Simon," Peter " which in Greek is petra meening petrafied or rock. Jesus Said I will build My church on the rock.I belive because Jesus named Simon" Peter" that the church respects that name only for the first Pope only.

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Jesus told Peter that he was the Rock the church would be built on so you could argue that Peter was the first pope. And a Pope would consider it arrogant to assume the same title as the founder of the church.

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Q: Why has no Pope ever taken the name of Peter?
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Why has no pope taken the name Peter?

There is no rule that prohibits a pope from taking the name of Peter. However, out of respect for the first pope, no man has used that name.

Has a pope ever taken the name Judas?

No, there has never been a pope named Judas. However, there have been a couple popes who were a disgrace to the Church and probably deserved the name.

Can Pope Francis be called Peter?

No, Peter is not his name.

Is Pope Francis the last pope named Peter?

Neither his birth name nor his regnal name is Peter so the answer to your question is 'No.'

Why did they change the Pope's name?

"They" did not change the name of the new pope, When elected, the new pope has the choice of keeping his Christian name or choosing a regnal name that he wishes to be known as while serving. When Christ named Simon as the first pope he changed his name to Peter. After Peter, the next pope to choose a new name was Pope John II who was elected in the year 533. His given name was Mercurius and he did not think it proper for a Catholic pope to be named for a pagan Roman god - Mercury.

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There has never been a Welsh pope but there has been one pope from England - Nicholas Breakspear who took the name of Pope Adrian IV. The mother of Linus the first pope after St. Peter was Welsh, that makes him half Welsh.

What was the first pope's name?

St. Peter.

What name has the Catholic Church's newly chosen pope taken?

Pope Francis- Taken from St. Francis of Assisi. Pope Francis has taken over after Pope Benedict the XVI. His birth name isJorge Mario Bergoglio.He was elected Pope on March 13th 2013

If there is another pope named Peter what will happen?

If a new pontiff should take the name Peter, his name in Latin would be Petrus Secundus. In every day speech, most people would probably refer to him as "Pope Peter II," or simply, "Pope Peter." If they needed to distinguish between the two Peters in the same conversation or piece of writing, they might refer to the Apostle Peter as "Pope Saint Peter'" or "the first Pope," and to the other as "the present Pope." L'Osservatore Romano, the semi-official newspaper of the Holy See, would refer to the second Pope Peter as "Pietro II" (Pietro due).

What is the least popular pope name?

There are a number of pope names that have been used only once. Peter, the name of the first pope, is one and Francis, the name of the current (2013) pope, is another example.

Who named the first pope?

Jesus Christ named the first pope and changed Simon's name to Peter.

May a new pope choose the the name Peter?

A new Pope may choose whatever name he pleases. I don't think this is usually done out of respect for the first Pope.