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If any object displaces a weight of liquid equal to or greater than its own weight, it will float. If it displaces less weight, it will sink. This is true regardless of the density of the liquid. Stated formally: "Any object, wholly or partly immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object." This is known as Archimedes' Principle.

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2w ago

A hydrometer sinks more in lighter liquids because it is designed to float higher in liquids with lower density. The buoyant force acting on the hydrometer is greater in lighter liquids, causing it to sink deeper. As a result, the reading on the hydrometer will be lower in lighter liquids compared to heavier ones.

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13y ago

lighter liquid being less denser exerts lesser upthrust or bouyant force as compared to heavier liquids.......... Therefore, in lighter liquids the hydrometer sinks more.......

upthrust is directly proportional to the density of the fluid.....

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Q: Why hydrometer sinks more in the lighter liquid than the heavier ones?
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The hydrometer will float higher in salt water because salt water is denser than fresh air. The buoyant force acting on the hydrometer is determined by the density of the fluid it is placed in, so it will float higher in salt water compared to fresh air.

Is it right to say an object sinks in a liquid because it is heavier than the liquid?

No. That is informal language, and not entirely correct. The object sinks if it has a greater density than the liquid. Density is the weight (or mass) per unit volume.

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If the object sinks or floats depends on mass or weight. The object can be made of the same material, but if the weight is not the same (say if it is heavery than water) it will sink.

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The weight of a sink can vary depending on the material it's made of, but on average a standard kitchen sink can weigh around 20-40 pounds. Stainless steel sinks tend to be lighter, while cast iron sinks can be heavier.

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Well it can be either light of heavy depending on the amount of liquid and the density of liquid. 1 Litre of water - 1 Kilogram Oil is heavier than water; it sinks to the bottom For more information on liquid density and liquid weight search Google

How is the depth an object sinks in a liquid related to the ration of the density of solid to liquid?

An object sinks if it is more dense than the liquid it displaces. So the deeper it sinks, the more dense it is than the liquid it is submerged in.

Describe the working of lactometer and hydrometer with the diagram?

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