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Because Earth's axis is tilted, once a year, each pole spends some long time without sunlight. Ozone decays with time, so the only ozone found there must diffuse in from areas that *do* get sunlight, that *do* make ozone with that sunlight.

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Q: Why in the two poles the ozone is thin?
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How much did the ozone layer over Australia thin in the 1980s?

Ozone layer is thin over Australia. It is due to its location near poles.

Why ozone layer is present over the poles?

The ozone hole is near the poles. It is because of the low temperatures there.

Where in the atmosphere is ozone problematic?

The ozone is problematic in poles. The poles are the one that have maximum depleted.

How is ozone affected by the poles?

The ozone is depleted at the poles only. It is because of the low temperature there.

Where does the greenhouse effect the ozone layer the most?

The greenhouse effect the ozone at the poles. It is the maximum at the poles.

Where is the thinnest layer of ozone?

The thinnest layer of ozone is at the poles. It is because the depletion is abundant at the poles.

What is the effect of snow of poles on ozone hole forming?

The snow on poles is not responsible for ozone depletion. There is no connection.

What is happening to the ozone layers in the poles?

The ozone layer at poles is depleting. It is because of cold degrees of temperature there.

Why depletion of ozone layer is more near poles of the earth?

Depletion of ozone layer is near the poles. It is actually at the poles. It is because of low weather.

Where are ozone layer got depleted?

The ozone depletion is mostly over poles. It is due to the low temperature at the poles.

Where is the ozone layer starting to thin out?

All over but it is specially noticeable over the poles, and more over Antarctica, which is colder than the North Pole.

Why do holes in the ozone layer happen to be located closer to the poles?

The hole in the ozone layer happen to be closer to the poles. It is because the ozone depletion occurs in very low temperatures which can only be obtained at the poles.