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Q: Why is Bruno Mars famous?
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Who is more famous Spider-Man or Bruno Mars?

Spiderman is more famous than Bruno Mars.

Why did Bruno Mars get famous?

because he can sing.

Where has Bruno Mars worked?

Bruno Mars worked in McDonalds till he became famous and he also worked in Netto not kinding

What is Bruno famous for?

Bruno Mars because of his talent being able to sing and dance.

Who is more famous Mario or Bruno Mars?

mario of course! He was inventer in the 1970s and bruno mars startet his career way later

Where did Bruno mars live before he got famous?


Who is more famous Darth Vader or Bruno Mars?

Darth Vader

Why is Bruno's last name Mars?

Bruno Mars's name is not actully, Bruno Mars.

Is any of Bruno Mars family famous?

Most of his family members are musicians, but he is the only famous one.

Did Bruno mar die?

As of 2021 Bruno Mars is not dead i repeat not dead

Do Katy perry and Bruno mars make a cute couple?

No, Katy Perry was married before Bruno Mars became famous.

Did Bruno Mars lipsing?

Bruno Mars DOES NOT lipsing. No doubt about that!