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Because it is widely seen as a step in the transition from an period where the politicians of the world could just pay lip service to the environmental issues to a new era where they will have to commit to real actions to reduce global warming. They didn't get all the way to legally bindning rules at COP15 but now it seem to be just a question of time.

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Q: Why is Copenhagen climate important?
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Main aims of the Copenhagen summit?

The purpose of the Copenhagen Climate Council is to create global awareness of the importance of the Un Climate Summit in Copenhagen, December 2009.

When was the Copenhagen climate change meeting?

In December

What is Copenhagen conterence?

Climate conference in Dec 2009; check out

What was the meet of Copenhagen about?

Climate control in order to curb GLobal warming

Which city hosted 2009 climate change conference?

Copenhagen in denmark

Where was the Copenhagen summit held?

The 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference, commonly known as the Copenhagen Summit, was held at the Bella Center in Copenhagen, located on the island of Amager, Denmark. (Wikipedia)

Where is the climate change conference going on now?

Copenhagen, Netherlands in the Bella Centre

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How many countries will be represented at the Climate Conference in Copenhagen?

192 countries - the same amount that have ratified the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

How many days long was climate conference in Copenhagen?

12 days. From 7 December to 18 December 2009.

Why was the tivoli gardens important to the dances of Copenhagen?

Cuz they were nice