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Q: Why is DNA such an important discovery?
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What three people were important in the discovery of the shape of DNA?

Watson, Crick and Ochwa

Why was crick and watson's discovery so important in science?

They recognized the SHAPE of the DNA molicule, Which is what allows DNA to self-repicate.

Why was Robert hooke discovery an important foundation for the work of Watson and crick?

Robert Hooke discovered cells,which led to the discovery of DNA

What unifying theme brought the work of Mendel and Darwin together in the in the big picture of biology?

The discovery of DNA as the genetic material was the unified theme.

What impact did Frederick Miescher discovering DNA have on the scientific world?

Frederick Miescher was responsible for discovery nuclein (later known as DNA) so bascially he started the search for what DNA was which led to discovering hereditary information and the secrets of life. So yes, a pretty important discovery!

What question did the discovery of the replication mechanism of DNA answer?

The discovery of the replication mechanism of DNA answered questions about evolution

Why was the discovery of restriction enzymes important to recombinant DNA technology?

Recombinant DNA technology requires fragments of DNA from the source genome. Using crude methods such as mechanical shearing, we get random fragments of DNA, and their sequence is unknown. Restriction enzymes are specific in site recognition and cutting and their discovery lead to proper fragments of DNA which have some known sequences.

What are three important events that led understanding of the structure of DNA?

Three events that led to understanding the structure of DNA are: Chargaff's Rules, Franklin's Discovery, and Watson and Crick's Model.

How are the discoveries of DNA important to genetics?

Genetics is the science of DNA, heredity, etc. The discovery of DNA marked the starting point of modern genetics.

Events the led to the discovery of DNA?

Watson and crick and the discovery of the double helix

What is an example of a scientific discovery being affected by available technology?

the discovery of the structure of DNA, which occurred as the result of an x-ray image of a DNA molecule

Why was crick and watson's discovery so important?

The insight that the DNA strand was a double helix allowed people the understand and mentally deconstruct genes.