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Because Albert Einstein was a very important physicist, Nobel prize laureate.

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2mo ago

Einsteinium is named after Albert Einstein to honor his contribution to science, particularly his work on the theory of relativity and the photoelectric effect, which had a significant impact on the field of physics. The element was discovered in 1952, shortly after Einstein's death, and was named in his honor to recognize his groundbreaking achievements in the field.

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What is einsteinium called einsteinium?

The name of the element einsteinium is derived from the name of the great well-known physicist of Jewish origin - Albert Einstein.

Who is einsteinium name after?

The name of the element einsteinium is derived from the name of the great well-known physicist of Jewish origin - Albert Einstein.

Is Einsteinium named after Einstein?

Because Albert Einstein was a very known physicist, a Nobel Prize laureate.

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The name of the element einsteinium is derived from the name of the great well-known physicist of Jewish origin - Albert Einstein.

Who was einsteinium named after?

Albert Einstein

Why is einsteinium called that?

The name of the element einsteinium is derived from the name of the great well-known physicist of Jewish origin - Albert Einstein.

How did the element Einsteinium get is name?

The name of the element einsteinium is derived from the name of the great well-known physicist of Jewish origin - Albert Einstein.

Who gave einsteinium its name?

The name of the element einsteinium is derived from the name of the great well-known physicist of Jewish origin - Albert Einstein.

What is einsteinium names after?

Einsteinium wasn't named after a what, but a who. This element was named in honor of Albert Einstein.

What element was named after Albert Einstein?

The element einsteinium (Es) was named after Albert Einstein. It is a synthetic element that does not occur naturally in the environment.

What element is named after the scientist albert einstein?

Einsteinium is the element named after the scientist Albert Einstein. It is a synthetic element with the atomic number 99.

Why is element number 99 named einsteinium?

The name was chosen in the honor of Albert Einstein.