

Why is Mars considered a male planet?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Mars was named after the Greek god Ares, who was male.

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Mars is nicknamed the Red Planet.

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Mars, Earth, Venus, and Mercury.

Why planet mars considered as the red planet?

Because it is red dummy

Is Mars male or female?

The God mars was male. The planet is genderless

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its basically the sign of the male sex sign. Mars was a guy who was part of the Roman gods. so....yeah

Is Mars considered a planet?

Yeh, earth's sister is the nickname.

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The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

What planet in our solar system shares the same symbol as used for a male?

Mars is a planet in our solar system that shares the same symbol that is used to denote a male. This was also made popular by the book "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus."

What planet are considered to be inner planets?

Mercury, venus, earth, and mars.