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Q: Why is Michel angelos Pieta now enclosed in a glass case?
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Where can one purchase a glass enclosed bulletin board?

There are a number of different places that one can purchase a glass enclosed bulletin board. Some of the different retailers where one could purchase a glass enclosed bulletin board are Staples, School Outfitters and Amazon.

What is a synonym for glass enclosed porch?

Solarium (The crossword plural is "solaria").

Why is a physical balance enclosed in a glass case?

IF it is (they are not all enclosed), then it is to prevent air currents from messing up the results.

Glass enclosed porch?

Solarium (the crossword plural is "solaria"). Solarium (the crossword plural is "solaria").

Can you put compact fluorescent bulbs in range hoods?

Only if they are enclosed behind a glass shield or window.

Why are solar cookers covered by a glass plate?

This effect results in the heating of enclosed spaces into which the sun shines through a transparent material such as glass or plastic. Visible light easily passes through the glass and is absorbed and reflected by materials within the enclosed space. The light energy that is absorbed by dark pots and the dark absorber plate underneath the pots is converted into longer wavelength heat energy and radiates from the interior materials. Most of this radiant energy, because it is of a longer wavelength, cannot pass back out through the glass and is therefore trapped within the enclosed space.

The sculpture Pieta was created by who?

Michelangelo did the Pieta. When it was placed in St. Peters no one knew who had done it, so he went in at night and on the Madonna's sash he wrote his name. The Pieta is still located in St. Peters today in Rome and you can view it. When I first saw it in 1972 it was sitting in the center of the floor near the doors in St. Peters, but a few years later a man took a hammer to it and broke parts of it. It has been repaired, but today it is behind glass and you can not get close to it like I once did. It is a wonder to see.

What is a glass enclosed garden?

A Greenhouse. Not to be confused with a green-room. However, Snoopdog most likely has a Greenhouse and a Greenroom for his own purpose.

The depth to which an inverted drinking glass must be pushed beneath the surface of water so that the volume of enclosed air is squeezed to half is?

10.3 m

President to be sworn in behind bulletproof glass?

no that's not funny the prez name was theo rosevlt

Does anyone know of a window blind that you can snap over a window and it acts like the blinds that are inside the glass?

Home Depot has an Enclosed Blind for Patio Door which fit over existing glass. One might assume they have them for windows, also. # ODL BWM26601 on Home Depot site.