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Q: Why is Pelias worried about a one sandaled stranger?
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Where can one find more information about the Stranger's movie?

One can find more valuable information about the Strangers movie on the following online sources; The Strangers deep explanation on Wikipedia, The Stranger (2008) on IMDb, and The Strangers' movie trailer in YouTube.

How do you say friend in Algonquin language?

Nitáp - (pronounced [knee-TAUP]) ( 'my friend' and would be used with a stranger or someone who was not from one's tribe.)

What horror movie had a babysitter who answered the telephone?

When a Stranger Calls (1979), starring Carol Kane as the babysitter. There is a sequel called When a Stranger Calls Back (1993), also starring Carol Kane.There is also a 2006 remake, which is so incredibly awful that no one should waste even one minute of their time on it. Seriously, just forget that it exists.

What happens at the end of the movie ''when a stranger calls''?

In the end of "The Strangers" The "Dollface" stranger stabs James and Kristen in a cabin. The three strangers drive away from the cabin and they see two boys giving out flyers about religion. The "Dollface" stranger gets out of the car and asks if she can have a flyer. The boys ask "Have you sinned"? She dosen"t respond of the give her a flyer. The Strangers take off. The boys walk into the cabin where James and Kristens were stabbed. The boys walk up to Kristen to check her corpse and she grabs his hand of she screams, then it ends.

What is the message of the old stranger in The War Prayer?

praying for victory for one side in a war means also praying for despair and loss for the opposite side.

Related questions

Why is Pelias worried about a one-sandaled stranger?

King Pelias is worried about a one-sandaled stranger because of an oracle's prophecy that he would one day be overthrown by a man wearing only one sandal. This prophecy creates fear and paranoia in Pelias, leading to his attempts to prevent anyone with one sandal from gaining power.

Who is Pelias in Edith Hamilton's Mythology?

Pelias was mentioned in the myth 'The Quest for the Golden Fleece'. He had been told by an oracle that he would die at the hands of a kinsman, and should be wary of anyone wearing one sandal. Later, Jason arrived with one sandal, and Pelias sent him on the quest for the Golden Fleece, promising the kingdom and the sovereign rule to him if he succeeded.

When was One Night with a Stranger created?

One Night with a Stranger was created in 1983.

How will you handle if there is a stranger who is looking for your guest in hotel?

You ask the stranger to take a seat, while you phone the guest and ask whether this stranger (must have a name) is one the guest wishes to see? Do not give a room number to a stranger.

How was king pelias and thetis different from one another?

Pelias a mortal king of Iolcus is the son of Tyro and Poseidon. His wife is recorded as either Anaxibia, daughter of Bias, or Phylomache, daughter of Amphion. He was the father of Acastus, Pisidice, Alcestis, Pelopia, Hippothoe, Amphinome, Evadne, Asteropeia, and Antinoe. Thetis is a Nereid goddess of the sea, daughter of the immortals Doris and Nereus. Her son was Achilles and her husband Peleus.

What is the reason for Jasons quest?

Jason's father, Aeson, was the rightful king of Iolcos. His brother, Pelias, was power-hungry, though, and wanted to rule the entire region of Thessaly. So, Pelias killed his brother and as many of his descendants as he could find. Jason's mother saved him from this fate. Many years later, Jason traveled to Iolcos to claim his throne, but on the way, encountered Hera, disguised as an old woman trying to cross a river. Jason helped her across (it wasn't easy), so the woman blessed him (since she was Hera, she knew that Pelias would try to kill Jason). IN the crossing, Jason lost one of his sandals, so when he arrived in Iolcos for the games, he was announced simply as "the man with one sandal". Pelias, many years earlier, had been warned by an oracle that a man with one sandal would try to take his throne, so he accepted Jason into his home and announced that Jason could have his throne only if he could successfully return to Iolcos with the Golden Fleece of Colchis.

What types of radiation should you be worried about?

The most dangerous type of radiation is Nuclear radiation which is the one that should be most worried about.

When was If You're Thinking You Want a Stranger - There's One Coming Home - created?

If You're Thinking You Want a Stranger - There's One Coming Home - was created on 1982-01-07.

What are the release dates for Studio One - 1948 In Love with a Stranger 9-41?

Studio One - 1948 In Love with a Stranger 9-41 was released on: USA: 22 July 1957

Why were the french worried about japan?

No one wants to be conquered.

What is the antonym of worried?

Cheerful or unworried. Either one.

A stalker was a total stranger?

Not a total stranger stalks someone. Someone who is being stalked from one of his or her known one. May be the stalker would like to know more about a person that's why he or she stalks.