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Because they were important

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Q: Why is Robert hookes invention very important?
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Why was the steamboat such an important invention?

People needed transportation very quickly. Robert Folten was the inventor of the invention.

What invention did the Sumerians invent that was very important?

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Why was the phonograph invention important to society?

The invention of the phonograph was very important to society. The invention itself was very useful during the time of Edison and has impacted many similar inventions that have proved to be useful today.

What makes an invention important?

An invention is important due to its expressive creativity point and unique style of idea. An invention can be very useful once created or formed.

Why is paper an important invention?

Paper is considered to be a very important invention. This is because paper has helped many people communicate with each other.

Why the invention of the mircoscope was important in the study of cells?

The invention of the microscope was important in the study of cells because only the microscope can see very small organisms.

What major invention is being worked on currently?

a very important invention being worked on at this time is the sex robot.

What was the most important invention?

This is very much a matter of opinion. Arguably the wheel is the most important

What will the most important invention of this century be?

The most important invention of this century will be the discovery of the cure of HIV/AIDS. This disease has no cure and has claimed the lives of very many people.

Why is the invention of the automobile very important?

i wouldn't say its very important for everyday life but for the people who love to travel its very important because you can get a long distance in a short amount of time.

What was very important to Robert Fulton?

the first steamboat

Most important inventions?

One of the most important inventions is the penicillin which was discovered in 1928. Another very important invention was the invention of compass, which was discovered by ancient China in the 9th century.