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Rutherford's experiment is called the Planetary Experiment because of Rutherford's concentration on most of the atom's mass into a very small core. The core would contain most of the atom's mass and in the same way the sun contains most of the solar systems mass.

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2w ago

Rutherford's model is called the planetary model because it compares the structure of an atom to a miniature solar system, where electrons orbit around a central nucleus similar to planets orbiting around the Sun. This model was proposed in 1911 by Ernest Rutherford to describe the arrangement of electrons in an atom.

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10y ago

It was not called as the planetary model but was called as the NUCLEAR MODEL. In this model, the presence of proton was NOT mentioned. He also said that the electrons are embeded but the orbits of electrons were NOT mentioned. Bohr's model was the one called as the planetary model.

Interpretations in his experiment:

1. The atom has a central core called nucleus where mass is concentrated.

2. Charge of the nucleus is positive. (because of the presence of proton)

3. Nucleus is very small compared to the volume of the atom. (mostly an empty space)

4. The electrons are found outside the nucleus.

5. Nucleus' diameter is 10^-12 cm

atoms'diameter is 1-5 x 10^-8 cm

example illustration is a marble (nucleus) compared to the soft ball field (atom)

Bohr challenged the model of Rutherford. Bohr introduced the planetary model


Note: This is what I have learned from Chemistry class.

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