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if you smoke alot it can take about 2 months

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Q: Why is THC still in my system after almost 90 days?
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For a regular smoker how long do THC stay in blood and uraine?

Well The THC In Pot, Weed, Whatever You Wanna Call It Usually Stays In The Bloodstream For About 30 Days If You Drink Lots Of Water It Will Flush The THC Out Of Your System Faster But It Will Still Stay There For Almost A Month

How long does THC stay in your system if you dont smoke a lot?

Probably a week or 2. THC can stay in your body for up to 28 days if you use it almost daily.

Is it possible to get THC out of your system in 10 days?

Marijuana (THC) stays in your system for about 48 hours.

Is THC in your system after 72 days?

Yes THC can stay in your system from at least a month up to 3 months.

Will you test negative for THC after 31 days of no use?

most likely, the average person will get all of the THC out of their system in about 30 days

If you smoked marijuana 33 days ago would it still be in your system?

4-7 days (the daily, heavy user can be detected up to 30-60 days depending on the users body fat. THC is stored in fat cells, so the more body fat you have the longer THC takes you leave your system.)

How do you get THC out of your system if you are a infrequent smoker?

By not smoking for 30 days.

How long does it take to get weed out of the system if eaten?

still 30 days, however you take the THC it's all the same, eatin or smoked

Can THC be found in your blood system after a year of not using?

No. Generally it is completely out of your system after 30 days.

How long does THC stay in your system if you are a occasionel smoker?

Up to 30 days.

If smoke a joint how long the THC stays in system?

3 to 4 days.

Does exercise clean THC out of your system?

Yes! THC is stored in your fat cells, so when you exercise, you burn fat, and it cleans the THC out of your bodily system. However, when I say exercise, I don't mean walking down the street, I mean working out until you're dripping with sweat...