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He's meant to intensify the feeling of hate between the Montagues and Capulets. Otherwise he's not very important other than as the killer of Mercutio. That's not very important but what is extremely important is that he gets killed by Romeo. This has two very important effects: Romeo gets banished from Verona where he is hard for the Friar to communicate with, and Mrs. Capulet hates Romeo so much because of it that there is no way that she will ever accept him as a son-in-law.

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Q: Why is Tybalt so important to the play?
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What does the character Tybalt do in Romeo and Juliet?

Tybalt is the main antagonist in the famous play, "Romeo and Juliet." In the play, Tybalt kills Romeo's close friend Mercurtio. Tybalt is later killed by Romeo in retaliation.

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Tybalt is the main antagonist in the play "Romeo and Juliet". There is no direct mention of his parents by name, but it is revealed that Tybalt is Lady Capulets nephew.

What date and month did Tybalt die?

Tybalt died on July 31st in the play "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare.

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Tybalt Killed Mercutio and then Romeo was so cross he decided to kill Tybalt! =) x

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because romeo killed Tybalt and therefore he is banished

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Tybalt's siblings are the fictional characters of Juliet and Petruchio in William Shakespeare's play, "Romeo and Juliet." Tybalt is Juliet's hot-headed cousin and a fierce fighter.

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Tybalt recognizes Romeo at the ball in the beginnign of the play by his voice. To be precise, he recognizes him as a Montegue for this reason.

Who fights romeo in act 3?

Romeo fights Tybalt in Act 3 of William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." Tybalt is Juliet's cousin and a skilled swordsman, leading to a tragic confrontation that results in Tybalt's death.

What was Juliet's cousin's name?

Juliet's cousin's name was Tybalt. Tybalt murdered Romoe's best friend, Mercutio, so Romeo killed Tybalt in revenge.

In the play romeo and Juliet in act 1 scene 5 what part does Tybalt have to play in the play?

In Act 1. Scene 5 Romeo and his friends have gatecrashed Old Capulet's party (it was an open invitation, so gatecrashers were expected). Tybalt realises that Romeo - a Montague - is present, and wants to start a fight. Old Capulet says: 'Chill, man, it's a party, heyyy'. But Tybalt wants to start a fight anyway. The actor playing Tybalt has to find some way to show us why Tybalt would rather fight Romeo than chill at a party. There are various ways to do this, it depends on the actor.

How do you use the five W's when using the character Tybalt?

When using the character Tybalt from Romeo and Juliet, you can consider the five W's as follows: Who - Tybalt is Juliet's cousin and a hot-headed Capulet. What - Tybalt plays a crucial role in the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues. Where - Tybalt's actions primarily take place in Verona. When - Tybalt's involvement in the story occurs throughout the play, leading to tragic consequences. Why - Tybalt's strong sense of loyalty to his family and his quick temper drive his actions in the play.

Who is fiery tempered cousin of Juliet?

Juliet's cousin is named Tybalt Capulet. Like so many others, Tybalt does not live to see the end of the play. His death is at the root of the conflict between Romeo's and Juliet's families.