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Q: Why is a good blood supply to and from the intestines crucial?
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What blood vessels carry blood to the small intestines?

Yes. The splanchnic circulation is very rich in terms of blood supply and vasculature. This allows for rapid absorption of essential nutrients.

Which tissue has direct blood supply epithelial connective muscle or nervous?

Muscle and Nervous tissue have the highest blood supply while connective is generally good blood supply and epithelium has no direct blood supply

How do you get good blood supply?

the heart supplies blood to all the body parts by pumping blood

What are the uses of oxygenated blood?

oxygenated blood is used to supply tissues in the body with nutrients and if this supply decrease like during exercise your respiration will increase to supply oxygen to the blood in good percent

What is the function of the coronary blood supply?

The coronary blood supply is the arteries which supply the heart itself; in order for the heart to function it needs a good supply of oxygen just the same as any other organ/muscle. Without the coronary blood supply the heart would not be able to pump blood around the body, a disruption in this blood supply would cause a heart attack.

Does a simple squamous epithelial tissue have a good blood supply?


Why do the kidneys have a good blood supply?

since the kidneys fllter our blood, they ave a large supply of blood. moreover, this is where our bood is filtered, meaning, all of our blood passes through our kidneys

Does the heart has its own supply of blood called mypcardium blood vessel?

No, but a good guess. They are called the coronaries.

Does the placenta have a good blood supply?

False- The placenta supplies the baby with the mother's blood during development.

How does a good blood supply in the lungs helps gas exchange to happen quickly?

The feature of a good blood supply helps gas exchange because it switches with the carbon dioxide and oxygen which helps the process to happen quicker.

Why a biceps muscle needs a good supply of blood?

Blood delivers sugars and oxygen to the muscle cells, which are necessary for the production of energy.

Why do lungs have a surface area of about 60 metres squared and a good supply of blood?

The large surface area and blood supply allow the largest opportunity for diffusion. Both of these factors make it easier for oxygen to move into the bloodstream and CO2 to move out.