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Some igneous rocks are very smooth and glassy (obsidian) while others have a very rough texture, such as the rocks used on the bottom of a propane gas grill.

They are all formed from lava, but the glassy rocks cooled so fast that crystals did not have a chance to form. The rougher rocks cooled more slowly, allowing larger crystals to form--Slower cooling = larger crystals = rougher texture.

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Q: Why is a igneous rock appear smooth and glassy?
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What is a smooth glassy black igneous rock?

The rock you are describing is likely obsidian. Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed during rapid cooling of lava. It is usually black in color and has a smooth, glassy texture.

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An igneous rock has two different textures. Extrusive rocks generally are smooth and glassy. Intrusive rocks are generally coarse

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An igneous rock with a glassy texture cooled from its' liquid state very quickly, an example of this would be obsidian, a volcanic glass.

Is granite a glassy igneous rock?

No, granite is a coarse-grained igneous rock that is made up of minerals like quartz, feldspar, and mica. Glassy igneous rocks, like obsidian, form when molten lava cools quickly on the surface, resulting in a smooth, glass-like texture.

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What rock is black glassy and was formed by rapidly cooling lava?

The answer is pitchstone. it is and igneous rock.

Igneous rock that cools very quickly when it forms may have a texture that is what?

A texture characterized by tiny mineral grains or a glassy appearance.

What igneous rock has no visible crystals?

Granite is a coarse grained igneous rock without Pyroxene.

What are characteristics of basaltic igneous rock?

mainly glassy with amygdules and glass

What is the name of a smooth glassy black ingeous rock?


Which igneous rocks would be formed by the fastest cooling of lava?

Glassy textured extrusive igneous rock, such as obsidian.