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Q: Why is a linear function not adequate for a supply and demand function?
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What happens to supply when demand increase?

When the demand of a product increases, so will the supply. Manufacturers will produce more of the product in order to get more money.

Inverse supply and demand functions?

Q=-200+50P inverse supply function

Consider the demand function and the supply function what is the market equilibrium?

answer to this question can be found in any basic economic book.

What is the role of prices in market economics?

Price Mechanism Price mechanism is the point which equilibriates supply and demand within a market. It is a mechanism of pricing.The price mechanism is one which allows the prices of good and services to be decided by the interplay between supply and demand. There is no centralised price fixing. The price mechanism is the concept that the free market, when left to its own devices, will formulate fair prices of the goods or services on its own by the natural laws of supply and demand.

When will gold's price reach equalibrium?

Through a function of the economic principles of Supply and Demand - prices change depending on the desire for the item, and the supply of the item. Gold, specifically, may reach an equalibrium when the demand for gold lessens, or the supply for Gold increases.

Demand rises and supply is constant?

No. If demand rises, then supply falls. Transveresly, if demand falls, then supply rises.

What happens if there is not enough supply for the demand?

If there is not enough supply for the demand, the demand won´t be able to buy the supply

How do you solve when market demand is P equals 1200-Q?

You need the supply equation, a cost function of the suppliers or one of those variables. If this is a competitive market, demand=supply so set the equations equal and solve..

Law of demand and supply?

Consumers is the law of supply and demand.

What happens if theres more demand than supply?

When there is more supply than demand, there is commonly a drop in price of the product in an effort to increase the demand and achieve the equilibrium between supply and demand once again. Supply and demand are like a see-saw. As supply goes down, demand goes up; as demand goes up, supply goes down.

What happens if there is more supply than demand?

When there is more supply than demand, there is commonly a drop in price of the product in an effort to increase the demand and achieve the equilibrium between supply and demand once again. Supply and demand are like a see-saw. As supply goes down, demand goes up; as demand goes up, supply goes down.

Sentence with supply and demand?

Her supply of tight sweaters increases the demand for her as a date on the weekend.