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it is because it is white

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2w ago

A thermometer is placed in a Stevenson screen to shield it from direct sunlight, precipitation, and other sources of heat or cold that could affect its accuracy. This allows the thermometer to provide a more precise measurement of air temperature.

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Q: Why is a thermometer placed in a stevensons screen?
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What change takes place in the liquid inside a thermometer when it is placed into somthing cold?

The liquid inside the thermometer "contracts" when it is placed into something cold. This means that it decreases in volume and increases in density. This is the reason that the thermometer can measure heat: the volume of the liquid inside the thermometer changes as a function of heat, and the amount of liquid in the "tube" of the thermometer changes as a function of volume. Because of this relationship, the level of the liquid in the tube of the thermometer changes as a function of heat.

If thermometer is placed in sun light then which thing it will read the temperature of air or of sun or surrounding?

A thermometer placed in sunlight will measure the temperature of the air surrounding it, not the temperature of the sun itself. The sun's rays can heat up the air, which in turn affects the temperature measured by the thermometer.

What mode of heat transfer is involved in the use of a thermometer?

Conduction is the main mode of heat transfer involved in using a thermometer. When the thermometer is placed in contact with a substance, heat transfers from the substance to the thermometer by conduction, causing the temperature to be measured.

A thermometer is placed in water in order to measure the water temperature. What would cause the liquid in the thermometer to drop?

If surrounding water temperature is lower than the water in the thermometer, heat will transfer from the water in the thermometer to the colder water causing the liquid in the thermometer to drop.

What tool is used to measure the current room temperature?

A thermometer is commonly used to measure the current room temperature. This can be either a traditional mercury thermometer, a digital thermometer, or a smart thermostat that displays the temperature on a screen.

Related questions

What instruments found in stevensons screen?

The Thermometer, hygrometer, psychrometer, dewcell, barometer and thermograph are all generally used in the Stevenson screen.

What is the possessive form for Stevensons?

If the proper noun Stevensons is a singular form, the singular possessive form is Stevensons's.example: Mr. Stevensons's classroom is at the end of the hall.If the proper noun Stevensons is the plural form, the plural possessive form is Stevensons'.example: The Stevensons' house is the one with the blue shutters.

What instruments are stored in the stevenson screen?


What change takes place in the liquid inside a thermometer when the thermometer is placed into something cold?

When a thermometer is placed into something cold, the liquid inside contracts and decreases in volume. This causes the liquid level to decrease, indicating a lower temperature on the scale of the thermometer.

How does an ear thermometer measure the temperature?

An ear thermometer should be placed carefully in an ear to measure the temperature. The temperature is then taken by an infrared mechanism in the thermometer.

Where is a thermometer normally placed in a house?

A thermostat for heating or a thermometer for air temperature is typically placed on an inside wall (not outside wall), and away from heating vents or direct sunlight.

Where should a thermometer be placed to get the real temperature outside?

On a wall that faces north, which is largely in the shade. An outdoor thermometer placed anywhere that sunlight can fall directly on it will be wildly inaccurate.

What is the purpose of a clinical thermometer?

A clinical thermometer is used to measure body temperature accurately in medical settings. It helps healthcare professionals monitor fever, assess changes in temperature, and make informed decisions about a patient's health.

How is accuracy of a thermometer improved?

A Thermometer's accuracy can be improved if it is placed in an area where there is not an object that touches it that can influence a temperature shift.

Why should not a hot thermometer be placed in ice water?

Because it will bust.

What is the correct temperature of a whole turkey when thermometer placed in breast?


Invisible electromagnetic radiation was discovered with what-?

Invisible electromagnetic radiation was discovered with the help of experiments by scientists such as Johann Wilhelm Ritter, William Herschel, and Sir William Crookes. They observed the effects of this radiation on different materials and discovered various types of electromagnetic waves beyond visible light.