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Q: Why is a yellow flame an example of complete combustion?
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Why is yellow flame is an example of combustion?


Why is candle flame yellow?

candles burn with a yellow flame because its an incomplete combustion

Which flame represents complete combustion?

Non-luminous flame

How a Bunsen burner can display both complete and incomplete combustion?

The Bunsen burner would display complete combustion by producing a "roaring" blue flame and it would display incomplete combustion when you close the air valve complete to cut off the oxygen gas supply, thus creating a yellow flame due to the burning of carbon particles (soot).

Color of flame in a complete combustion of gas from Bunsen burner?

When the air hole is covered on the Bunsen Burner its oxygen supply is made smaller. This makes the flame turn YELLOW - This is considered to be the safety flame as it is the most visible to the eye and it radiates less heat. When the Bunsen burners air hole is fully open there is a super heated blue flame which is the product of complete combustion. Hope this helped :)

How does a yellow flame on a Bunsen burner make things black but the roaring flame doesn't?

The flame of a Bunsen burner that is yellow in color will leave a black carbon residue due to the incorrect mixture of oxygen into the flame. Because there is not enough oxygen for complete combustion, the carbon reside is left behind. When the Bunsen flame has a sufficient amount of oxygen mixed in, hence the 'roaring flame', it has a blue color and does not leave a carbon residue due to complete combustion of the acetylene gas.

What type of flame would have for the combustion of amyl alcohol have?

Cool flame, yellow & orange

Can a blue flame produce CO?

No, if the flame is totally blue and/or has no yellow, then that indicates complete combustion which results carbon dioxide [CO2] and water vapor, but no carbon monoxide [CO].

Why is a blue flame noisier than the yellow flame?

A blue flame is louder than a yellow flame because there is more oxygen (air) flow present than with a yellow flame. The yellow flame indicates a lack of oxygen and incomplete combustion of the methane gas.

When do you get yellow soot in the burner flame?

Yellow soot is obtained when the holes of the burner are not clean. The combustion is incomplete. The yellow soot or yellow flame is because of unburnt carbon particles.

Why does the yellow Bunsen flame produce a lot of carbon?

needs more air in the mix. open the vent at the base. <><><> A yellow/sooty flame indicates that not enough oxygen is being supplied to allow all of the gas to be burnt. Adding more air adds extra oxygen (from that extra air) which enables complete combustion (=burning) of the fuel (=gas) to take place. A clear blue non-sooty flame indicates that complete combustion is taking place.

Which is dangerous the yellow flame or the blue flame?

A blue flame is hotter than a yellow flame. First, "...the blue flame..." IS NOT more dangerous than "...the yellow flame." The yellow flame is more dangerous because it is an indicator of IMCOMPLETE COMBUSTION resulting from burning with a shortage of air, and thus not enough oxygen. The reason this is dangerous, actually DEADLY, is that when combustion [burning] occurs in an oxygen deficient atmosphere, one of the major byproducts of that combustion process is CARBON MONOXIDE, a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas which is toxic and therefore deadly to any creature that breathes air.