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If they are not on the same dimension then you cannot do this. They will be different numbers and will not go together.

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Q: Why is adding subtracting and equating quantities possible only if they have the same dimension?
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Is it possible to add a scalar to a vector?

It is not possible the addition of scalars as well as vectors because vector quantities are magnitude as well as direction and scalar quantities are the only magnitude; they have no directions at all. Addition is possible between scalar to scalar and vector to vector. Under some circumstances, you may be able to treat scalar quantities as being along some previously undefined dimension of a vector quantity, and add them that way. For example, you can treat time as a vector along the t-axis and add it to an xyz position vector in 3-space to come up with a four-dimensional spacetime vector.

Is it possible to be moving from one dimension to another in a physical way?

Nothings impossible.

Is it possible to connect 3 houses to 3 utilities without crossing lines?

this is not possible unless it is in a 3-d dimension

If you are locked in a cube which you can not get out is it then possible to escape by using the fourth dimension?

The fourth dimension has never been reached, may not exist, and frankly nothing is known about it, so while it may be theoretically possible to do this, it has never been done and is likely impossible.

What is the eleventh dimension?

The best explanation is done by this video Watch it all the way through, and your welcome! I watched the video. There is no 11th dimension, but the tenth dimension is all possible universes inside a geometrical point. There cannot be anything more than that.

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Is it possible to add a scalar to a vector?

It is not possible the addition of scalars as well as vectors because vector quantities are magnitude as well as direction and scalar quantities are the only magnitude; they have no directions at all. Addition is possible between scalar to scalar and vector to vector. Under some circumstances, you may be able to treat scalar quantities as being along some previously undefined dimension of a vector quantity, and add them that way. For example, you can treat time as a vector along the t-axis and add it to an xyz position vector in 3-space to come up with a four-dimensional spacetime vector.

Is it possible to enter a different dimension?

At our present state of knowledge, no.

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Kim Possible - 2002 Dimension Twist 3-6 was released on: USA: 1 April 2005

What is eight over fifteen reduced to?

8/15 cannot be reduced further as a fraction. The only simplification possible is equating it to a decimal, which would be 0.533333.....

Is it possible to be moving from one dimension to another in a physical way?

Nothings impossible.

Is it possible to connect 3 houses to 3 utilities without crossing lines?

this is not possible unless it is in a 3-d dimension

Can scalar quantities be added together?

Yes, scalar quantities can be added together. Scalar quantities have magnitude only and no direction, so they can be combined through simple addition or subtraction. This allows for calculation of total quantities or changes in a system.

If you are locked in a cube which you can not get out is it then possible to escape by using the fourth dimension?

The fourth dimension has never been reached, may not exist, and frankly nothing is known about it, so while it may be theoretically possible to do this, it has never been done and is likely impossible.

What is meant by binary valued quantities?

Binary-valued quantities can be 0 or 1, true or false, right or wrong. There are only 2 possible values.