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Lysosomal enzymes exiting dying cell would damage surrounding cells

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Q: Why is apoptosis potentially threatening to the healthy neighbors of a dying cell?
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Contrast apoptosis and cancer?

Apoptosis is a programmed cell death process that occurs in healthy cells to maintain tissue homeostasis, while cancer is the uncontrolled proliferation of cells due to genetic mutations. Apoptosis can help eliminate damaged or unwanted cells, while cancer cells evade apoptosis, leading to tumor development. Understanding the balance between apoptosis and cell proliferation is essential in cancer research and therapy.

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You wait for nature to take it's course. There is nothing healthy and not potentially dangerous that you can do to hasten menses. It will happen when it happens.

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Absolutely not! If a horse eats a cereal box you should call an equine veterinarian immediately, this could be a life threatening situation.

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Potentially it can, yes, if the hormone and weight levels in the body are not yet stable or at proper, healthy levels.

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To maintain a healthy and moderate diet, with continuous exercising. To also avoid consuming too much salt as it can slowly build up in the arteries and over time could potentially cause a stroke or heart attack.

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These are all life threatening health problems. People with diabetes may also have heart disease. When you do things to take care of your diabetes, like manage your blood sugar, exercise, and eat a healthy diet, that's enough to maintain healthy heart.

Radiation most likely destroys cancer cells by inducing a process called?

Radiation therapy primarily destroys cancer cells through a process called apoptosis, which is programmed cell death. When cancer cells are exposed to high-energy radiation, such as X-rays or gamma rays, it damages the DNA within the cells. This damage can lead to the activation of signaling pathways that trigger apoptosis, causing the cancer cells to die. Radiation therapy is designed to target and kill cancer cells while minimizing damage to healthy surrounding tissues. By inducing apoptosis in cancer cells, radiation therapy aims to shrink tumors and reduce the spread of cancer throughout the body.

Im 12 how long should you do bridge a day and im 150 cm?

about 2 minutes, or otherwise it will effect your back when you are older, potentially crippling you grow and keep healthy