

Why is caustic slippery?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Caustic substances, such as lye, bleech, and soap, feel slippery because they dissolve the upper layers of your skin!

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What words describe bases?

Astringent, bitter taste, slippery feel, caustic, to name a few.

What are the property of bases?

Bases taste bitter, feel slippery, can be caustic and turn red litmus paper blue. - Basic solutions have a PH higher than 7 - Aqueous solutions or molten bases dissociate in ions and conduct electricity.

What is caustic use for?

There is no such thing as caustic acid - caustic soda - YES. Caustic potash - YES - but not caustic acid

What is caustic acid used for?

Caustic acid, also known as sodium hydroxide, is commonly used in various industrial processes such as manufacturing, cleaning, and chemical synthesis. It is used in industries like paper production, wastewater treatment, and soap making. Additionally, it can be found in household products like drain cleaners and oven cleaners.

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Phosphoric acid is considered to be caustic in concentrated forms, causing skin and eye irritation upon contact. However, when diluted to household levels for use in food and beverages, it is safe for consumption and is generally considered non-caustic.

How can you use caustic in a sentence?

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Caustic potash is potassium hydroxide (KOH), while caustic soda is sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Both are strong alkaline compounds used in industrial processes such as chemical manufacturing and water treatment, but they differ in their chemical composition and properties.

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What is caustic soda in tagalog definnition?

Caustic soda in Tagalog is "sosa kawstika."

Which is stronger alkali caustic or soda ash?

Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) is stronger than soda ash (sodium carbonate) in terms of alkalinity. Caustic soda is a strong base that is highly corrosive and can cause severe burns, while soda ash is a weaker alkali used primarily for water treatment and pH adjustment.