

Why is chlorine and sodium dangerous?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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Sodium is dangerous because it is an Alkali metal which is HIGHLY reactive with water.

Chlorine is dangerous because it forms a strong acid with water.

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Q: Why is chlorine and sodium dangerous?
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Sodium and pure chlorine are so dangerous?

how is this possible when pure sodium and chlorine are so dangerous

How is it that pure sodium and pure chlorine are so dangerous?

it is very dangerous because chlorine is made with bleach and other chemicals &sodium is dagerous....well look on cha cha for sodium

How is it possible that you can eat sodium and chlorine in a compound together when they are dangerous elements apart?

It is possible because sodium and chlorine put together is a harmless compound. If you were to put chlorine and bleach together, that would be a different story.

Do you have to heat the sodium and chlorine mixture to get salt?

If you place elemental sodium and elemental chlorine together, yes you will have to add significant amounts of heat to catalyzed the reaction. This would also be extremely dangerous as elemental sodium is extremely reactive with water and elemental chlorine is toxic.

What is more dangerous sodium or chlorine?

Well if it's pure sodium, it would proabably be more dangerous than clorine. Alkali metals like sodium have a nasty habit of exploding when they come in contact with water.

What is a word equation for sodium and chlorine?

Sodium + Chlorine ---> Sodium Chloride I think that is correct

What type of atom is in sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride has two atoms in the formula unit (NaCl): sodium and chlorine.

What compounds make sodium chloride?

Sodium chlorine sodium and chlorine.

Why is sodium chloride not harmful but sodium and chlorine are?

why are sodium and chlorine harmful

What elements are in NaCl?

Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl) are the elements that make up NaCl otherwise known as Sodium Chloride.

What element of salt is poisonous?

Table salt is sodium chloride, NaCl. Chlorine as a gas (Cl2) is dangerous.

When sodium and chlorine react they form?

Sodium and Chlorine form Sodium Chloride when they react. This is because the cation of sodium is added to the anion of chlorine.