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Chunking allows reviewers to combine related concepts into bigger chunks. The components can serve as chinks ( if they are highly cohesive and loosely coupled) making it easier for reviewers to keep track of the interactions of several components during a design review ran that a large number of individual classes and their methods.

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Q: Why is chunking important during the component-level design review process?
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Why is chunking important during the component level design review process?

Chunking allows reviewers to combine related concepts into bigger chunks. The components can serve as chinks ( if they are highly cohesive and loosely coupled) making it easier for reviewers to keep track of the interactions of several components during a design review ran that a large number of individual classes and their methods.

Why is chunking important during the components-level design review process?

Chunking allows reviewers to combine related concepts into bigger chunks. The components can serve as chinks ( if they are highly cohesive and loosely coupled) making it easier for reviewers to keep track of the interactions of several components during a design review ran that a large number of individual classes and their methods.

Why is the design process so important when creating a solution to a problem?

i don't know?because is so hard the answer

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someone else may have already solved the problem

Why is it important to have clear accurate and detailed communication among all involved in the design manufacture and distribution process?

Without accurate and clear communication clients will not get the product they desire because the design process misunderstood what was going on. Individuals involved in the design process must talk to clients to ensure they deliver what the client requested.

Why is it important to give consideration to the printing process during the design phase?

For a successful design output it is important to give consideration to the printing process, it will involve in communicating with the printer if it is able to print your design in its current layout or not and also how much it will cost. Pre-press check list is vital as it gives flexibility to the designer in case the design as to be changed.It is important to understand and take in to consideration the printing process when chosing what kind of image is needed, what medium should it be printed on with what kind of ink and color pallete and so on, in order to achieve the correct look for a client.

Why is a design process so important to follow when creating a solution to a problem?

A design process is so important to follow when creating a solution to a problem because it has to be repeated to make sure the same problems do not happen over and over. If people know what to do in a crisis, they can be better prepared to fix a problem quickly.

How does product design influence the design process?

For some information on how product design impacts design process, check out the related link.

How does technology and economy influencing the design process?

The use of technology to design the products is important in order for the economy to get by. However, technology alone doesn't influence the product design, the economics of supply and demand are what makes the economy stable.

Is the design process used in all careers?

No the design process can only be used in most careers

Which step in the design process uses a design process?

Number 4, which is choosing the best idea

What are some process design documents?

Some process design documentations are: Block Flow Diagrams (BFD), Process Flow Diagrams (PFD), Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID's). The process design documents ensure that the design documents fit together.