

Why is cross cutting useful?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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The law of cross cutting in geology helps geologists in relative age dating techniques. It states that anything that cuts across a rock body must be younger than the rock body it cuts across. For example, a fault is younger than rock layers.

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15y ago
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because naught cutting didnt work out

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The cross cutting intrusions can be used to determine the age of the rocks.

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Does the law of cross cutting relationships involve sedimentary rock only?

No. Cross-cutting igneous intrusions could occur in any pre-existing rock type.

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What a cross cutting relationship?

Cross cutting relationships define rock formations in geology. When magma enters cracks and crevices in existing rocks and cools it forms what is called an igneous intrusion. The principal of cross cutting relationships means that the igneous intrusion is always younger than the rock it cuts across.