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It has liquid water on it. That is standard answer you will get from science as we know it now. It is quite possible though that there is some liquid water on all planets and moons if some in only very tiny amounts.

Since life has now been found several miles below the surface of the earth it is conceivable life is hiding there on many of the rocky planets and moons. Also on the icy ones, there is usually an ocean under the ice. On a planet like Titan where there is liquid methane in lakes on the surface, an entirely different life form pattern may exist...

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11y ago

This is mostly conjecture by scientists but they theorize that only Earth has life because it is the only planet with an atmosphere containing adequate oxygen and carbon dioxide and the only planet containing liquid water.

Animals of the land and the water cannot exist without oxygen.

Plants cannot exist without carbon dioxide.

And neither animals nor plants can exist without liquid water.

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9y ago

The planet Earth is containing life because of its atmosphere.

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Q: Why is earth able to sustain life and other planets cannot?
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Are there any other planets that sustain life?

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How is earth different from all the other planets?

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Why do scientists believe that earth is the only planet that can sustain life as you know it?

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Other planets can't be inhabited by humans because they can't support life.They don't have an atmosphere with enough mixture of right gasses to sustain life.Other planets also don't have simple water in a consumable form.

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Earth is a little bigger than the other terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars), but the immensity of the jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) cannot be matched by Earth's. Jupiter, the largest planet, has a diameter over eleven times greater than that of Earth.

How can earth have life on it but the other planets do not?

Because, Earth is at a right distance from the size of our sun which where water could exist and our atmoshpehere with many gases and not just CO2. Mars could sustain life but need to reduce the level of co2 in its atmosphere to sustain fresh, liquid water.

How does earth sustain life while other planets do not?

we have an atmosphere

How can the Earth support life when other planets cant?

The biggest reason is water. Astronomers think maybe there really may be traces of water or ice on other planets, but Earth has an abundance, perfect for us. Also, many other planet's living conditions are not suitable. Some planets have EXTREMELY hot hot hot or coooollllddd ccccoollllddd weather that we could not live through. There is not fertile soil or animals to eat (we probably wouldn't be eating aliens :P ). And atmospheres aren't as nice, no substantial protection from the sun's rays and gravity not as strong. There are also some more detailed answers but these are mostly the main ideas why the Earth support life when other planets cant.

Why does earth have gravity and other planets don't?

The other planets do have gravity.

Can you touch planets?

Sorry to bring down your dream, but you cannot touch other planets unless you have some sort of equipment, like astronauts have. But you are touching Earth. :D

Does earth's magnetic field only affect other planets?

No. Earth's magnetic field only affects earth, not other planets.

Why does earth help other planets?

Since no one from Earth has visited another planet, and we have no indication that there is anyone on the other planets, Earth does not help other planets in any way. Why do you think there is something Earth does to help them- whoever them is.