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One is a perfect square that doesn't fit either of those criteria. Your hypothesis may not be universally true.

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Q: Why is every perfect square number either a multiple of 7 or a multiple of 7 plus a power of 2?
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What number is a multiple of 4 and is not a square number?

8 is a multiple and is not a perfect square.

Is there a product of two perfect squares that is not a perfect square?

No there isn't. every perfect square number can be factored into prime number. At their factoration you'll always have multiples of two on the primes exponent. Therefore you'll multiply a prime raised to a 2-multiple number with another prime raised to a 2-multiple number wich gives you also a number that factored gives you a product of prime numbers raised to a 2-multiple number and so, a perfect square.

What is it called when a number has a whole number square root?

Then the number is called a "perfect square".Then the number is called a "perfect square".Then the number is called a "perfect square".Then the number is called a "perfect square".

Is the square root of an even perfect square is always an even number?

Yes. And this means that any even perfect square is always a multiple of 4 - not just 2.

Is 18 a square number why or why not?

It is a square number but not a perfect square. The nearest perfect squares, on either side, are 4^2 = 16 and 5^2 = 25. Since there is no integer between 4 and 5 and the square is a strictly monotonic function, 18 cannot be a perfect square.

How do you check if a number is a perfect square?

For a number to be a perfect square, the number's square root has to be a whole number. 9 is a perfect square because its square root is a whole number, 3. If the square root of the number is a decimal, then it is not a perfect square. For example, 13 does not divide evenly so it not a perfect square.

What is a square number between 1 and 4?

There is no perfect square number between 1 and 4. On the other hand, every number is a square - or its square roots.

What is the smallest number which is a multiple of 162 and also a perfect square?

It is: 9 and 9 times 18 = 162

What number is both a square number and a cube number between 1 and 25?

There is not a number that is a perfect square and perfect cube between 1 and 25.There is not a number that is a perfect square and perfect cube between 1 and 25.There is not a number that is a perfect square and perfect cube between 1 and 25.There is not a number that is a perfect square and perfect cube between 1 and 25.

Can a perfect number be odd?

If by 'perfect number' you mean 'perfect SQUARE', then yes. 49 is an odd number and a perfect square.

Is the number a perfect square?

20 is a not perfect square.

What whole number is less than 100 that is both a perfect square and a perfect cube?

To be a perfect square, all the primes in a number's prime factorisation must have an even power To be a perfect cube, all the primes in a number's prime factorisation must a power that is a multiple of 3 → To be a perfect square, all the primes in a number's prime factorisation must a power that is a multiple of 3 and a multiple of 2, ie the power must be a multiple of 6 The smallest prime is 2 2⁶ = 64 = (2³)² = 8² = (2²)³ = 4³ 2¹² = 4096 (too large) 3⁶ = 729 (too large) There is also 1 = 1² = 1³ Thus the whole numbers less than 100 which are both perfect squares and perfect cubes are 1 and 64.